+ | P:1.dr.sc. Vjeran Bušelić prof. v.šk. A:dr.sc. Vjeran Bušelić prof. v.šk. A: Dinko Horvat struč.spec.ing.techn.inf. A: Kristina Perec mag.oec. | Digital Economy and New Economy Models | 30+30 (30+0+0+0) (120) | 6 | 172859 | NO |
| 30533/172859
| 6
| Academic year
| 2024/2025
| Digital Economy and New Economy Models
| 1st semester - Digital Economy (Izvanredni diplomski digitalna ekonomija) - obligatory course
| Područje društvenih znanosti 5.14. Interdisciplinarne društvene znanosti Stručni predmet (Katedra za zajedničke predmete, katedra za ekonomiju)
Teaching mode
| Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction) work at home
| 30+30 (30+0+0+0) 120
| Lectures:1. dr.sc. Vjeran Bušelić prof. v.šk. Auditory exercises:dr.sc. Vjeran Bušelić prof. v.šk. Auditory exercises: Dinko Horvat struč.spec.ing.techn.inf. Auditory exercises: Kristina Perec mag.oec.
Course objectives
| The aim of the course is to introduce students with disruptive changes and business challenges arising from the increasing use of digital technology
| Learning outcomes: | 1.identify basic concepts of structural changes of the digital age (industry 4.0). Level:7 2.evaluate and valorize the Influence of basic digital technologies (Mobile, Social, Big Data, Cloud, IoT, ...) on the Digital Economy. Level:6,7 3.identify and compare key success factors for new business models in different industries and the public sector. Level:6 4.identify and clarify the basic challenges of digital business transformation. Level:6 5.select industry and write Case study analysis of successful business digital transformation. Level:7 6.design and present the selected case and through discussion critically evaluate key success factors . Level:6,7
| Methods of carrying out lectures | Ex cathedra teaching Guest lecturer Case studies Demonstration Modelling Discussion Questions and answers Seminar, students presentation and discussion Homework presentation
| Methods of carrying out auditory exercises | Traditional literature analysis Data mining and knowledge discovery on the Web Essay writing Discussion, brainstorming Interactive problem solving
| Course content lectures | 1.Introduction, method of work and assessment, overview of the whole course., 4h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5 2.Industry 4.0. and technological change. Megatrends., 4h, Learning outcomes:1,2 3.Digital economy and new economic models. Basic terms and concepts., 4h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4 4.Digital economy and new economic models. New business models., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4 5.Disruptive innovations. Artificial Intelligence., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4 6.Disruptive innovations. Blokchain., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4 7.Disruptive innovations. Internet of things., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4 8.Digital business transformation. Remaping of industry and organization., 3h, Learning outcomes:3,4 9.Digital business transformation. Designing digital organization., 3h, Learning outcomes:3,4 10.No lectures 11.No lectures 12.No lectures 13.No lectures 14.No lectures 15.No lectures
| Course content auditory | 1.Analyziing and presenting Deep Shift_Techical Tipping Points., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2 2.Technology Deep Shift impact. Industry Megatrends., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2 3.Task preparation and selection. Examples and explanations., 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5,6 4.Digital economy. Digital goods and services, Digital platforms. Examples and discussion., 3h, Learning outcomes:3,4 5.Value model. Value networks, Network effect. Examples and discussion., 3h, Learning outcomes:3,4 6.Digital markets. Modeling. BMC meta-model. Examples and discussion., 3h, Learning outcomes:3,4 7.Teamwork on modeling: Facebook, Tesla, AirB & B, Netflix, Skype, Google., 4h, Learning outcomes:3,4 8.Digital business transformation. Examples and discussion., 4h, Learning outcomes:3,4 9.Presentation of all works. Discussion., 4h, Learning outcomes:4,5,6 10.No lectures 11.No lectures, Learning outcomes:5 12.No lectures 13.No lectures 14.No lectures 15.No lectures
| Required materials | Basic: classroom, blackboard, chalk... Whiteboard with markers Overhead projector Video equipment
| Exam literature | Obavezna literatura:
1. Perkov, Davor. Upravljanje promjenama u poslovnoj organizaciji digitalnog doba, Narodne novine. 2019.
2. Spremić,Mario. Digitalna transformacija poslovanja. Ekonomski fakultet u Zagrebu, 2017.
3. Repozitorij predmeta
Izborna literatura:
Schwab, Klaus. The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Currency, 2017.
Overby, Harald. Audestad, Jan A. Digital Economics: How Information and Communication Technology is Shaping Markets, Businesses, and Innovation. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018.
Raskino, Mark. Waller, Graham. Digital to the Core: Remastering Leadership for Your Industry, Your Enterprise, and Yourself. Bibliomotion, 2016.
Venkatraman, Venkat. The digital matrix: new rules for business transformation through technology. Greystone Books, 2017.
Bock, Adam. The Business Model Book. Brilliant Business. 2017. | Students obligations | Attending classes; seminar work
| Knowledge evaluation during semester | Colloqium
| Knowledge evaluation after semester | Written exam
| Student activities: | Aktivnost | ECTS | (Classes attendance) | 1 | (Constantly tested knowledge) | 1 | (Essay) | 2 | (Report) | 1 | (Oral exam) | 1 |
| Remark | This course can be used for final thesis theme | Proposal made by | Vjeran Bušelić, Ph.D. | |
+ | P:1. Maja Pauković dipl.oec. L: Maja Pauković dipl.oec. | Quantitative Methods in Economy | 30+30 (0+30+0+0) (120) | 6 | 172861 | NO |
| 30535/172861
| 6
| Academic year
| 2024/2025
| Quantitative Methods in Economy
| 1st semester - Digital Economy (Izvanredni diplomski digitalna ekonomija) - obligatory course
| Područje društvenih znanosti 5.14. Interdisciplinarne društvene znanosti Stručni predmet (Katedra za zajedničke predmete, katedra za ekonomiju)
Teaching mode
| Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction) work at home
| 30+30 (0+30+0+0) 120
| Lectures:1. Maja Pauković dipl.oec. Laboratory exercises: Maja Pauković dipl.oec.
Course objectives
| Acquisition of competencies for estimating future expected business results using the model of simple and multiple linear regression. Use of applications based on artificial intelligence for the purpose of solving tasks.
| Learning outcomes: | 1.Solve tasks from a matrix account. Level:6 2.Analyze the main constituents of linear and multiple line regression models. Level:6 3.Evaluate hypotheses in simple and multiple linear regression models. Level:7 4.Determine the violation of assumptions in linear regression models and propose a solution. Level:7 5.(eng. Comment on the reason for introduction and analyze the influence of qualitative variables in the model). Level:6 6.(eng. Solve tasks using artificial intelligence tools). Level:6
| Methods of carrying out lectures | Ex cathedra teaching Demonstration Discussion
| Methods of carrying out laboratory exercises | Laboratory exercises on laboratory equipment Group problem solving Discussion, brainstorming
| Course content lectures | 1.Introductory lecture - introducing students to a colleague., 2h 2.Introduction to matrix algebra. Solving linear equation systems using a matrix account., 2h, Learning outcomes:1 3.Econometric analysis - A simple linear regression model., 2h, Learning outcomes:2 4.Testing hypotheses in a simple linear regression model., 2h, Learning outcomes:3 5.Preparing for colloquium 1, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3 6.Multiple linear regression model., 2h, Learning outcomes:2 7.Testing hypotheses in a multiple linear regression model., 2h, Learning outcomes:3 8.Nonlinear multiple linear regression model., 2h, Learning outcomes:3 9.Qualitative regressor variables, 2h, Learning outcomes:5 10.Preparing for colloquium 2, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,3,5 11.Disruption of the assumptions in the linear regression models and solving problem., 2h, Learning outcomes:4 12.Disruption of the assumptions in the linear regression models and solving problem., 2h, Learning outcomes:4 13.Applications for solving tasks based on artificial intelligence., 2h, Learning outcomes:6 14.Applications for solving tasks based on artificial intelligence., 2h, Learning outcomes:6 15.Preparing for colloquium 3, 2h, Learning outcomes:4,6
| Course content laboratory | 1.Repeating the elements of the MS Excel program needed to track the teaching of the operating research., 2h 2.Solving tasks with basic matrix operations in Excel. Cramer's rule., 2h, Learning outcomes:1 3.Determination of equation of simple linear regression model in Excel and interpretation of parameters, analysis the variance., 2h, Learning outcomes:2 4.Testing hypotheses in a simple linear regression model in Excel., 2h, Learning outcomes:3 5.Colloquium 1, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3 6.Determination of multiple linear regression model equation in Excel and interpretation of parameters, analysis of variance., 2h, Learning outcomes:2 7.Testing hypotheses in a multiple linear regression model in Excel., 2h, Learning outcomes:3 8.Nonlinear multiple linear regression model in Excel., 2h, Learning outcomes:3 9.Dummy variables of the constant term, seasonal dummy variables, dummy variables for changes in slope., 2h, Learning outcomes:5 10.Colloquium 2, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,3,5 11.Violation of assumptions in linear regression models - multicollinearity, heteroskedasticity, autocorrelation., 2h, Learning outcomes:4 12.Violation of assumptions in linear regression models - multicollinearity, heteroskedasticity, autocorrelation., 2h, Learning outcomes:4 13.Solving tasks using applications based on artificial intelligence., 2h, Learning outcomes:6 14.Solving tasks using applications based on artificial intelligence., 2h, Learning outcomes:6 15.Colloquium 3, 2h, Learning outcomes:4,6
| Required materials | Special purpose computer laboratory Whiteboard with markers Overhead projector
| Exam literature | 1. V.Bahovec, N.Erjavec, Uvod u ekonometrijsku analizu, Element, Zagreb, 978-953-197-643-5, 2009.
2. A.Belullo, Uvod u ekonometriju, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Pula, 978-953-7498-50-4, 2011.
3. K.Dumičić, V.Bahovec, M.Čižmešija, N.Kurnoga, A.Čeh Časni, S.Jakšić, I.Palić, P.Sorić, B.Žmuk, Poslovna
statistika, Element, Zagreb, 978-953-197-648-0, 2011. | Students obligations | Attendance of students and lectures and laboratory exercises in the amount of at least 50%.
20% share in the final grade | Knowledge evaluation during semester | First colloquium, pass> 50%, 20% share in the final grade
Second colloquium, pass> 50%, 30% share in the final grade
Third colloquium, pass> 50%, 30% share in the final grade | Knowledge evaluation after semester | Written exam, assignments, passage> 50% | Student activities: | Aktivnost | ECTS | (Classes attendance) | 1 | (Constantly tested knowledge) | 1 | (Practical work) | 1 | (Activity in class) | 2 | (Written exam) | 1 |
| Remark | This course can be used for final thesis theme | Proposal made by | Maja Pauković , 20.06.2024. | |
+ | P:1.mr.sc. Lucija Bačić v.pred. A:mr.sc. Lucija Bačić v.pred. A: Nataša Uzelac | Motivation and Teamwork | 30+30 (30+0+0+0) (120) | 6 | 172862 | NO |
| 30536/172862
| 6
| Academic year
| 2024/2025
| Motivation and Teamwork
| 1st semester - Digital Economy (Izvanredni diplomski digitalna ekonomija) - obligatory course
| Područje društvenih znanosti 5.14. Interdisciplinarne društvene znanosti Stručni predmet (Katedra za zajedničke predmete, katedra za ekonomiju)
Teaching mode
| Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction) work at home
| 30+30 (30+0+0+0) 120
| Lectures:1. mr.sc. Lucija Bačić v.pred. Auditory exercises:mr.sc. Lucija Bačić v.pred. Auditory exercises: Nataša Uzelac
Course objectives
| Develop and apply in practice the knowledge and skills of motivational processes and techniques, organizational behavior, communication, team work methods and techniques, and striving to prevent and resolve conflicts and conflicts.
| Learning outcomes: | 1.analyze basic theoretical concepts, principles and motivational factors and organizational behavior. Level:6 2.analyze basic theoretical concepts, features and team work specificities. Level:6 3.critically evaluate the specifics and features of motivation theory. Level:7 4.differentiate motivational techniques and strategies in the context of efficient motivation management and employee satisfaction. Level:6 5.combine competencies based on theoretical knowledge of team types and roles of team leaders and team members. Level:6,7 6.critically evaluate and think creatively in designing, applying and developing motivation and self-motivation techniques in a team. Level:7 7.provide adequate ways of preventing and resolving conflicts and conflict in the team. Level:6,7
| Methods of carrying out lectures | Ex cathedra teaching Case studies Discussion Questions and answers
| Methods of carrying out auditory exercises | Group problem solving Traditional literature analysis Data mining and knowledge discovery on the Web Essay writing Discussion, brainstorming Interactive problem solving
| Course content lectures | 1.Introductory lecture, methodology and operationalisation lectures and exercises, 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Defining motivation and organizational behavior, 1h, Learning outcomes:1 2.Content theory of motivation, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3 3.Process theory of motivation, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3 4.Types of motivation techniques and motivation strategies, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,6 5.Managing motivation and employee satisfaction, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,6,7 6.Organizational culture, communication and interpersonal relations, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 7.1. Preliminary exam, 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Presentation of practical work, seminar work or essay, 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 8.Team specifics and characteristics, team types and teamwork, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,5 9.Creating teams and team members, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,5,6,7 10.Team development phases, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,5,6,7 11.Structure and organization of team management, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,5,6,7 12.Decision-making and leadership teams, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,5,6,7 13.Manage conflicts and conflicts within the team, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,5,7 14.Advantages and disadvantages of teamwork, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,5,6,7 15.2. Preliminary exam, 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Presentation of practical work, seminar work or essay, 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7
| Course content auditory | 1.Presentation of practical work and the outcomes, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 2.Exercises from practice and group discussion, case studies , 1h, Learning outcomes:1,3 Analysis of motivational factors for success (analysis of successful people), 1h, Learning outcomes:1,3 3.Exercises from practice and group discussion, case studies , 1h, Learning outcomes:1,3 Time management in function of motivation enhancement, 1h, Learning outcomes:1,3 4.Motivation strategies and techniques, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,6 5.Managing Employee Motivation - establishing and measuring employee motivation, 1h, Learning outcomes:1,4,6,7 Self-motivation, self-management through planning and setting goals, 1h, Learning outcomes:1,4,6,7 6.Types of organizational cultures, communication techniques and information transmission, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 7.Exercises from practice and group discussion, case studies, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 8.Team work – team work analysis and development of a communication plan, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,5 9.Analysis of teamwork types and role playing, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,5,6,7 10.Exercises from practice and group discussion, case studies, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,5,6,7 11.Work delegation and organization , 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,5,6,7 12.Negotiation types and their influence on team work, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,5,6,7 13.Confronting criticisms , 2h, Learning outcomes:2,5,7 14.Conflict management through the communication techniques , 1h, Learning outcomes:2,5,7 Mobbing – role playing and behavior analysis, 1h, Learning outcomes:2,5,7 15.Presentation of practical work, seminar work or essay, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7
| Required materials | Basic: classroom, blackboard, chalk... General purpose computer laboratory Whiteboard with markers Overhead projector Video equipment
| Exam literature | Basic literature:
1. Tudor, G. (2010), Vođenje i motiviranje ljudi, M.E.P., Zagreb
2. Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, J.R., Gerhart, B., Wright, P.M. (2006), Menadžment ljudskih
potencijala, Mate, Zagreb
Additional literature:
1. Srića, V. (2006), Menadžer i pobjednički tim: čarolija timskog rada, M.E.P.
Consult, Zagreb
2. West, M. (2005), Tajne uspješnog upravljanja timom – kako voditi tim, Školska knjiga
3. Certo, S.C., Certo, S.T. (2008), Moderni menadžment,Mate, Zagreb
| Students obligations | Regular class attendance with the allowed number of absences according to the Rulebook on studying.
| Knowledge evaluation during semester | Regularity of attendance and activity in lectures and exercises 20%.
Practical work and exposit, presentation of seminar work or essay 30%.
1. and 2. preliminary exam 50%.
Max. 10 points:
10 excellent (5)
8 – 9 very good (4)
6 – 7 good (3)
5 sufficient (2)
0 – 4 fail (1)
| Knowledge evaluation after semester | Presentation of practical work and written exam. | Student activities: | Aktivnost | ECTS | (Classes attendance) | 1 | (Activity in class) | 1 | (Constantly tested knowledge) | 1 | (Practical work) | 1 | (Written exam) | 2 |
| Remark | This course can be used for final thesis theme | Proposal made by | Lucija Bačić, MSc, senior lekturer | |
+ | P:1.doc.dr.sc. Dalija Kuvačić profesor visoke škole A:doc.dr.sc. Dalija Kuvačić profesor visoke škole | Entrepreneurship in New Economy | 30+30 (30+0+0+0) (120) | 6 | 172860 | YES |
| 30534/172860
| 6
| Academic year
| 2024/2025
| Entrepreneurship in New Economy
| 1st semester - Digital Economy (Izvanredni diplomski digitalna ekonomija) - obligatory course
| Područje društvenih znanosti 5.14. Interdisciplinarne društvene znanosti Stručni predmet (Katedra za zajedničke predmete, katedra za ekonomiju)
Teaching mode
| Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction) work at home
| 30+30 (30+0+0+0) 120
| Lectures:1. doc.dr.sc. Dalija Kuvačić profesor visoke škole Auditory exercises:doc.dr.sc. Dalija Kuvačić profesor visoke škole
Course objectives
| To enable students to acquire competences for business in entrepreneurship in the new economy.
| Learning outcomes: | 1.Identify the notion and meaning of the new economy, globalization and knowledge society.. Level:6 2.Analyze the importance of innovation and information technology in the new economy.. Level:6 3.Analyze the importance of learning and education for competitive modern business.. Level:6 4.Classify environmental and sustainable development determinants, ethics and social responsibility.. Level:6,7 5.Categorize the specifics of networking and new business models in the new economy.. Level:6 6.Formulate a strategy for creating entrepreneurs of the 21st century.. Level:6,7
| Methods of carrying out lectures | Ex cathedra teaching Case studies Demonstration Discussion Questions and answers Seminar, students presentation and discussion
| Methods of carrying out auditory exercises | Group problem solving Essay writing Discussion, brainstorming Interactive problem solving Workshop
| Course content lectures | 1.Introduction to the course and presentation of the Syllabus., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5 2.Determinants of the New Economy., 2h, Learning outcomes:1 3.Globalization and a new economy., 2h, Learning outcomes:1 4.Concept of knowledge society., 2h, Learning outcomes:1 5.Innovations in the New Economy., 2h, Learning outcomes:2 6.Information and communication technology in the new economy., 2h, Learning outcomes:2 7.Entrepreneurial virtual organization in the new economy., 2h, Learning outcomes:2 8.Intellectual capital as a source of competitive advantage in entrepreneurship., 2h, Learning outcomes:3 9.Learning and Education in Contemporary Entrepreneurship., 2h, Learning outcomes:3 10.Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development in Contemporary Entrepreneurship., 2h, Learning outcomes:4 11.Ethics and Social Responsibility in Contemporary Entrepreneurship., 2h, Learning outcomes:4 12.Networking and Entrepreneurship in the New Economy., 2h, Learning outcomes:5 13.New Business Models for Entrepreneurship Development., 2h, Learning outcomes:5 14.Business information as a source of competitive advantage for entrepreneurs., 2h, Learning outcomes:5 15.Characteristics of entrepreneurs of the 21st century., 2h, Learning outcomes:6
| Course content auditory | 1.Analyze different views of the new economy and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the new economy., 2h, Learning outcomes:1 2.Discussion of contemporary trends in the new economy. Advantages and disadvantages of globalization., 2h, Learning outcomes:1 3.Case studies of learning organizations. Differences between world and Croatian practices., 2h, Learning outcomes:1 4.Analysis of Importance of Innovation in Entrepreneurship. Case studies of innovative companies in world and Croatian practice., 2h, Learning outcomes:2 5.Discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of information and communication technology. Case studies of using Business Intelligence in practice., 2h, Learning outcomes:2 6.Submit topics for seminar papers. Case Studies of Known Virtual Businesses in Worldwide and Croatian Practices., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2 7.Case Analysis of Known Learning and Education Programs in e-Business. Preparations for 1st Colloquium., 2h, Learning outcomes:3 8.1st Colloquium., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3 9.Case studies of Croatian companies using environmental protection and sustainable development in their business., 2h, Learning outcomes:4 10.Case studies of Croatian companies operating ethically and using social responsibility in their business., 2h, Learning outcomes:4 11.SWOT cluster business analysis. Case Studies of Famous Clusters in the Republic of Croatia., 2h, Learning outcomes:5 12.Analysis of new models in e-business. Discussion of a new way of doing business., 2h, Learning outcomes:5 13.Analysis of student results of The tests of Entrepreneurial Skills., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6 14.Case studies of traditional and virtual entrepreneurs. Analysis of advantages and disadvantages. Preparation for 2nd Colloquium., 2h, Learning outcomes:4,5,6 15.2nd Colloquium., 2h, Learning outcomes:4,5,6
| Required materials | Basic: classroom, blackboard, chalk... General purpose computer laboratory Whiteboard with markers Overhead projector Video equipment
| Exam literature | 1. Thomas H. Byers, Richard C. Dorf, Andrew J. Nelson, Tehnološko poduzetništvo - od ideje do tvrtke, Tehničko veleučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 2015.
2. Horvat, Đuro; Perkov, Davor; Trojak, Nataša, Strategijsko upravljanje i konkurentnost u novoj ekonomiji, Edukator, Zagreb, 2012.
3. Kolaković, Marko, Poduzetništvo u ekonomiji znanja, Sinergija, Zagreb, 2006.
4. Auerswald, Philip, E-book: The Coming Prosperity: How Entrepreneurs Are Transforming the Global Economy, Oxford University Press, New York, 2012. | Students obligations | Attendance of students in lectures and audit work in the amount of at least 70% of the anticipated hourly rate. | Knowledge evaluation during semester | Attendance and activity of teaching students - 10% stake in final grade
Seminar papers and student presentations - 40% stake in the final grade
First colloquium - 25% stake in final grade
Second colloquium - 25% stake in the final grade | Knowledge evaluation after semester | Required at least 4 exams per year. Written exam. | Student activities: | Aktivnost | ECTS | (Classes attendance) | 1 | (Written exam) | 3 | (Seminar Work) | 2 |
| Remark | This course can be used for final thesis theme | |
+ | P:1.dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec. A:dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec. S:dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec. | System and Technology of Asset Management | 30+30 (15+0+15+0) (120) | 6 | 215561 | NO |
| 30831/215561
| 6
| Academic year
| 2024/2025
| System and Technology of Asset Management
| 1st semester - Digital Economy (Izvanredni diplomski digitalna ekonomija) - obligatory course
Teaching mode
| Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction) work at home
| 30+30 (15+0+15+0) 120
| Lectures:1. dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec. Auditory exercises:dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec. Seminar exercises:dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec.
Course objectives
| As part of this course, students will understand that Asset management is not a separate business process that is carried out only in large companies, but a set of integrated information systems of any company that requires constant improvements. Students will be able to distinguish between tangible and intangible assets, describe the procurement process supported by the Supply Chain Management system, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of implementing internal and external Asset maintenance processes. At the same time, they will get an insight into all planning and investment processes in company supported by the Enterprise Resources Planning system and importance of human resources care supported by the Human Resources Management system. In that way, students will focus on critical thinking about each individual process of all assets forms managing, which will enable them to independently make the proposals for improving any of individual information subsystems as a unique integrated Asset management system within the company where they will be employed.
| Learning outcomes: | 1.Assess the role and place of Asset management within the business system. Level:6,7 2.Link the processes of market analysis, planning and successful Asset management . Level:6,7 3.Evaluate indicators of a Key performance indicators of Asset management during whole lifecycle. Level:6,7 4.Defend the position of the most commonly used ICT tools for Asset management. Level:7 5.Select a suggestion option for improving the Asset management process. Level:7 6.Link investment study needs with data available through integrated Asset management information systems. Level:6,7
| Methods of carrying out lectures | Ex cathedra teaching Guest lecturer Case studies Discussion Seminar, students presentation and discussion Lectures are presented as combination of the theoretical frame with large number of Asset management practical cases from digital economy fields. On that way students are motivated to express their critical positive or negative opinion. | Methods of carrying out auditory exercises | Group problem solving Discussion, brainstorming Workshop During the auditory exercises, the students are directed to the use of individual information systems as tools for Asset Management as well as the knowledge obtained during the lectures, with the continuous teacher guidance through discussion and brainstorming during the exercises. | Methods of carrying out seminars | Group problem solving Discussion, brainstorming Workshop During the seminar exercises, students are preparing for independent creation of a seminar work in which they not only analyse, but also give suggestions for improving the Asset management process in the company where they are employed or which they know well. | Course content lectures | 1.Introductory lecture, 2h, Learning outcomes:1 2.Types of enterprise assets and their strategic management , 4h, Learning outcomes:1 3.Asset management implementation and their Life cycle monitoring , 4h, Learning outcomes:2 4.Property usage and maintenance, 4h, Learning outcomes:2 5.Metrics, standards and Asset management KPI's monitoring , 4h, Learning outcomes:3 6.Market analysis, segmentation and marketing processes as a tools for successful Asset management, 4h, Learning outcomes:4 7.Available data within the integrated information system for Asset management and investment study, 4h, Learning outcomes:5 8.Integrated Asset management systems and their reliability, 4h, Learning outcomes:6 9.No lessons 10.No lessons 11.No lessons 12.No lessons 13.No lessons 14.No lessons 15.No lessons
| Course content auditory | 1.Purpose of certain types of property , 3h, Learning outcomes:1 2.Process of Asset Management Planning, 4h, Learning outcomes:2 3.Applying of Market Analysis Methods, 4h, Learning outcomes:3 4.Cost and revenue analysis and calculation of key performance indicators, 4h, Learning outcomes:3 5.No exercise 6.No exercise 7.No exercise 8.No exercise 9.No exercise 10.No exercise 11.No exercise 12.No exercise 13.No exercise 14.No exercise 15.No exercise
| Course content seminars | 1.No seminar exercise 2.No seminar exercise 3.No seminar exercise 4.No seminar exercise 5.Practical application of Market analysis , 5h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3 6.Faults and damage monitoring of Fixed assets during their life cycle , 5h, Learning outcomes:4,5 7.Program support and risk management methods of Asset management systems, 5h, Learning outcomes:6 8.No seminar exercise 9.No seminar exercise 10.No seminar exercise 11.No seminar exercise 12.No seminar exercise 13.No seminar exercise 14.No seminar exercise 15.No seminar exercise
| Required materials | Basic: classroom, blackboard, chalk... General purpose computer laboratory Overhead projector For classical classes - lecture room with projector. For hybrid classes - application for online classes. | Exam literature | Obavezna literatura:
1. dr. sc. Sanja Bračun (2024.), Aktualne elektroničke mape nastavnika pripremljene za predavanja dostupne na LMS sustavu, https://lms-2020.tvz.hr/course/view.php?id=712
2. prof. dr. sc. Ivo Čala i ostali, (2016.), Održavanje i gospodarenje imovinom, Hrvatsko društvo održavatelja, Zagreb.
Preporučena literatura:
1. Juan Pablo Usuga Cadavid, (2020.), Machine learning applied in production planning and control: a stateoftheart in the era of industry 4.0, Springer.
2. G. Cheng, (2020.), Joint optimization of production, quality control and maintenance for serial-parallel multistage production systems, ScienceDirect.
3. O. Kaganova, (2020.), An Asset Management Approach to Planning, Funding, and Managing Public Spaces, dostupan na: https://doi.org/10.1596/978-1-4648-1449-5_ch3
4. M. Stride, (2019.), The use of building information modelling by quantity surveyors in facilities management roles, dostupan na: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/ECAM-11-2019-0660/full/html
| Students obligations | 50% of attendance on lessons and exercises for part-time student
| Knowledge evaluation during semester | Design, presentation, and defense student’s seminar paper | Knowledge evaluation after semester | After the obligatory presentation and defense of student’s seminar paper, in case of failure to achieve a minimum of 60% results of written exam the student applies for oral exam. | Student activities: | Aktivnost | ECTS | (Seminar Work) | 3 | (Oral exam) | 3 |
| Remark | This course can be used for final thesis theme | ISVU equivalents: | 172858; | Proposal made by | dr. sc. Sanja Bračun | |