1. semester :: specialization ::

Elective courses 0- ECTS)

DetailsTeachersCourseMode L+(A+L+S+C) (H)EctsCodeAvailable in Eng. language
+P:2.dr. sc. Anđa Valent prof. struč. stud.
P:3.dr. sc. Reni Banov v. pred.
P:prof.dr.sc. Ljiljana Arambašić
A:prof.dr.sc. Ljiljana Arambašić
A:dr. sc. Reni Banov v. pred.
A:dr. sc. Anđa Valent prof. struč. stud.
Mathematics30+30 (30+0+0+0) (120)6146749NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30217/146749 ECTS 6 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Mathematics
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (30+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. Ivica Vuković
Lectures:2. dr. sc. Anđa Valent prof. struč. stud.
Lectures:3. dr. sc. Reni Banov v. pred.
Lectures:prof.dr.sc. Ljiljana Arambašić
Auditory exercises:prof.dr.sc. Ljiljana Arambašić
Auditory exercises:dr. sc. Reni Banov v. pred.
Auditory exercises:dr. sc. Anđa Valent prof. struč. stud.
Auditory exercises: Ivica Vuković
Course objectives Students should be qualified to use differential and integral calculus of several variables.
Learning outcomes:1.ability to write analytic expression for partial derivatives and differential of real analytic function of several variables. Level:7
2.ability to write the equation of the tangent plane to the surface at the given point of the surface. Level:7
3.ability to expand a real function of two real variables into Taylor and MacLaurin series. Level:7
4.ability to calculate and classify local extrema of a real function of two real variables. Level:7
5.ability to integrate real functions of several variables. Level:7
6.ability to apply polar coordinates to integral calculus. Level:7
7.ability to understand the implementation of integrals on calculating centre of mass, static moments and centre of gravity. Level:7
8.ability to understand methods of solving differential equations. Level:7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
The lectures are being presented in the classroom with detailed solving and analysis.
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesLaboratory exercises, computer simulations
Group problem solving
Computer simulations
The problems are being solved on the blackboard with detailed explanations.
Course content lectures1.Functions of several variables. Graphical representation. Curves and surfaces., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Continuity and limit. Partial derivatives. Schwartz theorem., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Tangent plane. Differential. Gradient., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2
4..Taylor mean value theorem. Taylor and Maclaurin series., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3
5.Local extrema of functions of several variables., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4
6.Conditional extrema. Lagrange multipiler method., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4
7.Double integrals. Notion and properties., 2h, Learning outcomes:5
8.Double integrals over curvilinear trapezoid., 2h, Learning outcomes:5
9.Double integrals in polar coordinates, 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
10.Triple integrals., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
11.Applications of multiple integrals. Calculatiog areas and volumes., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6,7
12.Applications of multiple integrals. Center of mass., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6,7
13.Homogenous systems of differential linear equations second order with constant coefficients., 2h, Learning outcomes:8
14.Nonhomogenous systems of differential linear equations with constant coefficients., 2h, Learning outcomes:8
15.Systems of linear differential equations. Numerical methods., 2h, Learning outcomes:8
Course content auditory1.Functions of several variables. Domains and graphs., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Partial derivatives. Schwarz theorem, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Tangent plane. Differential. Gradient., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2
4.Taylor mean value theorem. Taylor and Maclaurin series, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3
5.Local extrema of functions of several variables., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4
6.Conditional extrema. Lagrange multiplier method., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4
7.Double integrals. Notion and properties., 2h, Learning outcomes:5
8.Double integrals over curvilinear trapezoid., 2h, Learning outcomes:5
9.Double integrals in polar coordinates., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
10.Triple integrals., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
11.Applications of multiple integrals. Calculatiog areas and volumes., 2h, Learning outcomes:4,5,6
12.Applications of multiple integrals. Center of mass., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6,7
13.Homogenous systems of differential linear equations second order with constant coefficients, 2h, Learning outcomes:8
14.Method variation constants., 2h, Learning outcomes:8
15.Euler method and Runge-Kutta method., 2h, Learning outcomes:8
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
General purpose computer laboratory
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Exam literature1. I. Vuković, A. Valent: Zbirka riješenih primjera iz primijenjene matematike, Redak, 2015.
1. P. Javor, Matematička analiza 2, Element, Zagreb, 2000.
3. B. P. Demidovič: Zadaci i riješeni zadaci iz više matematike s primjenom na tehničke nauke, Tehnička knjiga, 1978.
Students obligations50% of class attendance of the total class number. In case of less attendance, submitted seminar paper.
Knowledge evaluation during semesterTwo 2 midterm exams

Knowledge evaluation after semesterWritten exam.
Oral exam optional.

Student activities:
(Constantly tested knowledge)4
(Written exam)2
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
Proposal made byIvica Vuković, Anđa Valent
+P:1.dr.sc Sonja Zentner Pilinsky prof.v.š.
P:dr.sc. Winton Afrić prof.v. š.
A: Antonio Milde pred.
A:dr.sc Sonja Zentner Pilinsky prof.v.š.
L: Ante Golić
L: Petar Jandrlić
L: Antonio Milde pred.
L: Davor Predavec
L:dr.sc Sonja Zentner Pilinsky prof.v.š.
S: Antonio Milde pred.
S:dr.sc Sonja Zentner Pilinsky prof.v.š.
Mobile Communication Networks30+30 (6+12+12+0) (120)6228472NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30942/228472 ECTS 6 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Mobile Communication Networks
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (6+12+12+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. dr.sc Sonja Zentner Pilinsky prof.v.š.
Lectures:dr.sc. Winton Afrić prof.v. š.
Auditory exercises: Antonio Milde pred.
Auditory exercises:dr.sc Sonja Zentner Pilinsky prof.v.š.
Laboratory exercises: Ante Golić
Laboratory exercises: Petar Jandrlić
Laboratory exercises: Antonio Milde pred.
Laboratory exercises: Davor Predavec
Laboratory exercises:dr.sc Sonja Zentner Pilinsky prof.v.š.
Seminar exercises: Antonio Milde pred.
Seminar exercises:dr.sc Sonja Zentner Pilinsky prof.v.š.
Course objectives students will be qualified to solve problems in installation and changing of mobile network functions as well as interconnection of different networks.
Learning outcomes:1.ability to predict possible signal disorders in networks due to transmitter locations of users. Level:7
2.ability to evaluate and grade possible transmitter locations. Level:6,7
3.ability to propose new transmitter locations for transmitters with poor performance. Level:6,7
4.ability to plan a complete network on the basis of given data. Level:6,7
5.bility to select base and mobile stations with satisfactory characteristics as well as the other equipment. Level:7
6.ability to integrate various networks into the integral a whole to meet the users' requirements. Level:6,7
7.ability to find optimal solutions based on the required characteristics and price of the entire equipment. Level:6,7
8.ability to evaluate spectra efficiency of different systems, different system compatibility and possibility of future upgrade. Level:7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Guest lecturer
Questions and answers
The subject matter is explained by using drawings, tables and diagrams to make the material easier to understand. The teacher tests the students continuously if they participate in the lectures. Beside the blackboard it is necessary to have a LCD projector.
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
The problems of each theme are solved on the blackboard with the assistance of
Methods of carrying out laboratory exercisesLaboratory exercises on laboratory equipment
Methods of carrying out seminarsOther
students work on their semianrs and present them in a group + discussion about seminar theme
Course content lectures1.introduction, repetition of basic GSM principles, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,5
2.security in GSM systems, 2h, Learning outcomes:4,5,6
3.GPRS systems, 2h, Learning outcomes:4,5,6
4.EDGE systems, 2h, Learning outcomes:4,5,6
5.UMTS system architecture, network planning, 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
6.UMTS network planning, 2h, Learning outcomes:4,5,6
7.HSDPA technology, 2h, Learning outcomes:6,7,8
8.HSUPA technologies, 2h, Learning outcomes:6,7,8
9.Mobile forensics, 2h, Learning outcomes:6,8
10.Introduction to LTE and LTE demands, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
11.WiMAX vs. LTE, 2h, Learning outcomes:6,7,8
12.LTE system in Croatia and LTE measurements - guest-lecturer from operator, 2h, Learning outcomes:6,7,8
13.OFDMA technologies, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,7
14.MIMO technologies, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,7
15.basic principles of 5G networks, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,7
Course content auditory1.Transmit quality estimation in the presence of cochannel interference , 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
2.Transmit quality estimation in the presence of cochannel interference, Methods of code generation for different purposes in mobile network , 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
3.Methods of code generation for different purposes in mobile network , 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
4.First semiexam, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3
5.possibilities of tracing user who uses more SIM cards and more MSs, 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
6.-, 2h
7.-, 2h
8.-, 2h
9.-, 2h
10.-, 2h
11.-, 2h
12.-, 2h
13.-, 2h
14.-, 2h
15.-, 2h
Course content laboratory1.-, 2h
2.-, 2h
3.-, 2h
4.-, 2h
5.-, 2h
6.-, 2h
7.II semiexam, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7
8.3G measurements and measurements analysis in computer programme Nemo Outdoor , 2h, Learning outcomes:7
9.4G measurements and measurements analysis in computer programme Nemo Outdoor , 2h, Learning outcomes:7
10.measurements conversion from Nemo Outdoor to Excall and measurements analysis, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
11.III semiexam, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7
12.-, 2h
13.-, 2h
14.-, 2h
15.-, 2h
Course content seminars1.-, 2h
2.-, 2h
3.-, 2h
4.-, 2h
5.-, 2h
6.seminar themes preparation , 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,8
7.-, 2h
8.-, 2h
9.-, 2h
10.-, 2h
11.-, 2h
12.students present their seminar papers, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
13.students present their seminar papers, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
14.students present their seminar papers, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
15.students present their seminar papers, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Exam literature1.E. Zentner, Antene i radiosustavi,Graphis, Zagreb, 2001.
2. Lehpamer H.: Transmission Systems Design Handbook for Wireless Networks, Artech House, Boston-London,2002.
3. W.C.Y.Lee: Mobile Communications Design Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill, 1993.

Students obligationsminimum of 20 class attendance (lecture and exercises), submitted and presented seminar paper and performed laboratory exercises
Knowledge evaluation during semesterRedovitost pohađanja#4#10#50$Mini-test#2#30#50$Kolokvij, numerički zadaci#3#45#50$Kolokvij, teorijska pitanja#3#15#50$
Knowledge evaluation after semester•The written part of the exam (in case that both preliminary are not passed) and the oral part of the exam (final mark is arithmetic middle of 2 components in case that they are all positive)
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:22631;146783;
Proposal made byprofessor Sonja Zentner Pilinsky, Ph.D.
+P:1. Goran Vujisić v. pred.
P:2.dr. sc. Tomislav Špoljarić d. i. e., prof. struč. stud.
L: Hrvoje Benić
L: Nina Šare pred.
L: Goran Vujisić v. pred.
K: Hrvoje Benić
K: Nina Šare pred.
K: Goran Vujisić v. pred.
Process Modelling and Simulation30+30 (0+15+0+15) (120)6146765NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30226/146765 ECTS 6 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Process Modelling and Simulation
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (0+15+0+15)
Teachers Lectures:1. Goran Vujisić v. pred.
Lectures:2. dr. sc. Tomislav Špoljarić d. i. e., prof. struč. stud.
Laboratory exercises: Hrvoje Benić
Laboratory exercises: Nina Šare pred.
Laboratory exercises: Goran Vujisić v. pred.
Construction exercises: Hrvoje Benić
Construction exercises: Nina Šare pred.
Construction exercises: Goran Vujisić v. pred.
Course objectives Students will acquire knowledge of the control and regulation properties of the process elements by modeling and simulating
Learning outcomes:1.ability to formulate/create a task for analysis. Level:6,7
2.ability to write a mathematical model of the process. Level:6,7
3.ability to create a Simulink model. Level:6,7
4.ability to choose a controller type . Level:7
5.ability to estimate the transient response of open-loop and closed-loop system. Level:7
6.ability to generalize conduct of electrical, mechanical, electromechanical and thermal processes and the process the fluid storage. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
The matter is presented by mathematical models, tables and diagrams using illustrative examples in practice.
Methods of carrying out laboratory exercisesLaboratory exercises on laboratory equipment
Laboratory exercises, computer simulations
Group problem solving
Computer simulations
Exercises are performed in PC laboratory by using Matlab/Simulink programs.
How construction exercises are heldLaboratory exercises, computer simulations
Discussion, brainstorming
Computer simulations
Course content lectures1.Introduction, 3h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Modeling methods., 3h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Setting up and making a model., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2
4.Simulation program package Matlab / Simulink., 3h, Learning outcomes:3
5.Simple and complex models., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3
6.Connecting different elements into a process model., 3h, Learning outcomes:3,5
7.Differential equation simulation and usage of a model to simulate differential equations., 3h, Learning outcomes:2,3,5
8.Numerical integrations, specific usage of different toolboxes., 3h, Learning outcomes:2,3,4
9.Multistage amplifiers, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,6
10.Exemples of process models., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
11.No class.
12.No class.
13.No class.
14.No class.
15.No class.
Course content laboratory1.No class.
2.No class.
3.No class.
4.Modelling of electrical system., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3
5.Modelling of mechanical system., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3
6.Modelling of electromechanical system., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
7.Modelling of thermal system., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
8.Modelling of fluid storage system. , 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3
9.Numerical integration procedure - properties and selection for specific use., 2h, Learning outcomes:2
10.Connection of PLC system and real-time process model in PC., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
11.No class.
12.No class.
13.No class.
14.No class.
15.No class.
Course content constructures1.No class.
2.No class.
3.No class.
4.No class.
5.No class.
6.No class.
7.No class.
8.No class.
9.No class.
10.No class.
11.Development of a mathematical model., 5h, Learning outcomes:1,2
12.Process and system parametar identification, 5h, Learning outcomes:2,3,4
13.Modeling and verification of mathematical Simulink model., 5h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
14.No class.
15.No class.
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
General purpose computer laboratory
Special purpose computer laboratory
Overhead projector
Special equipment
Program package Matlab
Exam literature1. Ž. Ban,J. Matuško, I. Petrović: Primjena programskog sustava MATLAB, Graphis, Zagreb, 2010.
2. Ž. Ban: Simulacijski paketi u analizi i sintezi sustava automatskog upravljanja: FER-ZAPR
Zagreb, 1999.
3. N. Perić,I. Petrović: Automatizacija postrojenja i procesa, FER Zagreb, Zagreb, 2005.
4. D Hanselman, B. Littlefield: Mastering Matlab; Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1996.
5. *** Simulik User`s Guide the Matlab Works Inc, 1993.
Students obligationsAttendance at all laboratory exercises and development of construction task
Knowledge evaluation during semesterLabaratory exercise pass, all written reports.
Completed constuction task - oral exam.
Knowledge evaluation after semesterCompleted constuction task
Prezentation of construction task. Oral exam.
Student activities:
(Practical work)2
(Constantly tested knowledge)2
(Written exam)2
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:22617;159771;
Proposal made bySenior lecturer Mato Fruk, dipl. ing.
+P:1.doc.dr.sc. Aleksander Radovan , prof. struč. stud., dipl.ing.
L:doc.dr.sc. Aleksander Radovan , prof. struč. stud., dipl.ing.
Object oriented programming30+30 (0+30+0+0) (60)4201727NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30746/201727 ECTS 4 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Object oriented programming
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (0+30+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. doc.dr.sc. Aleksander Radovan , prof. struč. stud., dipl.ing.
Laboratory exercises:doc.dr.sc. Aleksander Radovan , prof. struč. stud., dipl.ing.
Course objectives Acquiring knowledge and skills for development of Java applications that use the database.
Learning outcomes:1.write a code for a JavaFX application which will use a GUI and a database. Level:6,7
2.a Java development option if it is suitable for solving a specific task. Level:7
3. elements of an application into classes, interfaces and packages according to the principles of OOP. Level:6,7
4. JavaFX applications to solve various types of practical problems. Level:6,7
5. individually the appropriateness of using Java in solving a specific practical problem. Level:7
6.development environment (Eclipse) for an efficient development of JavaFX applications. Level:6,7
7. the structure of classes in Java applications to make it upgradable. Level:6,7
8. the possibilities of upgrading an application by means of open source libraries. Level:6,7
9.redesign the existing applications by using Java. Level:6,7
10.relate the knowledge of Java to the knowledge of other programming languages. Level:6,7
11.provide a critical review of the advantages and disadvantages of Java when compared to other programming languages. Level:7
12.choose the option to use advanced language features such as lambda expressions for solving programming tasks. Level:7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
Questions and answers
Methods of carrying out laboratory exercisesOther
Practical work using computer with Java development environment installed.
Course content lectures1.Java programming language basics and simple Java programs, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,5,10,11
2.Classes and objects in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
3.Object oriented programming in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:3
4.Exceptions in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8,9,11
5.Collections, generics and Javadoc, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4
6.Files in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:7,9,11
7.JavaFX, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,6
8.JDBC, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,6
9.No classes, 2h
10.No classes, 2h
11.No classes, 2h
12.No classes, 2h
13.No classes, 2h
14.No classes, 2h
15.No classes, 2h
Course content laboratory1.No classes, 2h
2.Classes and objects in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:3,7,10
3.Object oriented programming in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,3,4,5,7,9,10
4.Exceptions in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
5.Collections and generics in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:3,5,7,9,10,11
6.Files in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8,9,10,11
7.JavaFX, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,4,5,6,8,9,10,11
8.JDBC, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,8,9,10,11
9.No classes, 2h
10.No classes, 2h
11.No classes, 2h
12.No classes, 2h
13.No classes, 2h
14.No classes, 2h
15.No classes, 2h
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
General purpose computer laboratory
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Students work individually in the lab, one person per workplace. Work requires use of computers with development tools for programming.
Exam literatureThe Definitive Guide to Modern Java Clients with JavaFX 17: Cross-Platform Mobile and Cloud Development 2nd edition, 2021.
More Java 17: An In-Depth Exploration of the Java Language and Its Features 3rd edition, 2021.
Effective Java, 3rd edition, 2018.
Students obligationsCompleting all six laboratory excercises
Knowledge evaluation during semesterSix laboratory exams - 60 points in total
Two partial exams - 20 points each
Optional points for additional effort
Every partial exam has a correctional exam
Maximum 100 points
0-49 - not good enough
50-61 - sufficient
62-74 - good
75-86 - very good
87-100 - excellent
Knowledge evaluation after semesterWritten exam is evalued with 40 points, and remaining 60 points are transferred from the achievement on laboratory
exams during the semester time.
Student activities:
(Practical work)3
(Written exam)1
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:85745;146752;
Proposal made byPh.D. Aleksander Radovan, college professor, dipl.ing., 05.06.2022.
+P:1.naslovni prof. dr. sc. Renato Filjar prof. str. st.
A: Darko Špoljar
Applied Statistics30+30 (30+0+0+0) (90)5146751NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30219/146751 ECTS 5 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Applied Statistics
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (30+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. naslovni prof. dr. sc. Renato Filjar prof. str. st.
Auditory exercises: Darko Špoljar
Course objectives To empower students to conduct statistical analysis of a given data set independently. To develop the probabilistic approach to problem solution.
Learning outcomes:1.Comparing the differences and limitations of the data, depending on the measuring scale and distribution as well as an understanding of the distribution parameters.. Level:6,7
2.Analyze the differences between dependent and independent samples; the ability to identify a linear connection between two continuous variables. Level:6
3.define bivariate data; define a scatterplot; define the difference between linear and nonlinear dependence; recognize the negative connection from the scatterplot; define the meaning of the Pearson correlation coefficient; identify the perfect linear dependence; recognize non-linear association of two variables. Level:6,7
4.examine the conditions for the implementation of linear regression and interpretation of regression coefficients; least square method. Level:6,7
5.analyze and understand the proportions and frequencies, and creating contingency tables. Level:6
6. formulate a multiple regression; interpretation of the coefficients in the multiple regression and the comparison of the two models in a multiple regression. Level:6,7
7.select the significant variables in the regression model; understanding coefficient R2 of the final model. Level:7
8.testing assumptions for analysis of variance. Level:7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
Questions and answers
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesLaboratory exercises, computer simulations
Group problem solving
Computer simulations
Laboratorijske vježbe
Course content lectures1.Measuring scales and distribution of some random variables with parameters that define them. Basics transformation of variables, Z - score., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Statistical inference on two samples; comparisons of mean and variance. Testing the difference between means two samples - dependent and independent samples., 4h, Learning outcomes:2
3.Measures of association between two variables - correlation. Introduction to bivariate data and association (correlation)-, 4h, Learning outcomes:3
4.Simple linear regression - Introduction and prerequisites for conducting the analysis; test of homogeneity of variance, independence of observations; influential observations. Evaluation of the regression model - standardized regression coefficient; standardized regression coefficient., 3h, Learning outcomes:4
colloquium, 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
5.Analysis of ordinal and nominal variables. Analysis kontingencijke table - speed Association - Chi Square test as a replacement for Fisher, 3h, Learning outcomes:5
6.Multiple regression. Parameter estimation method of least squares. Significance of regression coefficient. Confidence interval regression analysis., 4h, Learning outcomes:6
7.Evaluation of the regression model. Analysis of residuals and influential observations. The selection of variables in the final model. Comparison of the two models. R2, the percentage of variability previously explained, the meaning of standardized and non-standardized regression coefficients; Venn diagram; standard, sequential and stepwise regression., 4h, Learning outcomes:7
8.Analysis of variance - ANOVA. Testing assumptions. Welch ANOVA / regular ANOVA. The one-factor analysis of variance and višefektorska. The ratio of variance F test., 4h, Learning outcomes:8
9.colloqium, 1h, Learning outcomes:5,6,7,8
10.No class
11.No class
12.No class
13.No class
14.No class
15.No class
Course content auditory1.Practical examples and problems related to the content of the Lecture 1, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Practical examples and problems related to the content of the Lecture 2, 4h, Learning outcomes:2
3.Practical examples and problems related to the content of the Lecture 3, 4h, Learning outcomes:3
4.Practical examples and problems related to the content of the Lecture 4, 4h, Learning outcomes:4
5.Practical examples and problems related to the content of the Lecture 5, 4h, Learning outcomes:5
6.Practical examples and problems related to the content of the Lecture 6, 4h, Learning outcomes:6
7.Practical examples and problems related to the content of the Lecture 7, 4h, Learning outcomes:7
8.Practical examples and problems related to the content of the Lecture 8, 4h, Learning outcomes:8
9.no exercise
10.no exercise
11.no exercise
12.no exercise
13.no exercise
14.no exercise
15.no exercise
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
General purpose computer laboratory
Overhead projector
Special equipment
R environment for statistical computing, RStudio
Exam literatureObavezna / Mandatory
1. Petzoldt, T. (2018). Data Analysis with R: Selected Topics and Examples. Technical University of Dresden. Dresden, Njemačka. Dostupno na / Available at: https://wwwpub.zih.tu-dresden.de/~petzoldt/elements_en.pdf
2. Furrer, R i suradnici. (2020). (A Gentle) Introduction to Statistics. University of Zurich. Zurich, Švicarska. Dostupno na / Available at: http://user.math.uzh.ch/furrer/download/intro2stat/script_sta120.pdf
3. Lilja, D J. (2016). Linear Regression Using R. An Introduction to Data Modeling. University of Minesota. Dostupno na:

Dopunska / Alternative
3. Efron, B, Hastie, T. (2016). Computer Age Statistical Inference: Algorithms, Evidence, and Data Science. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK. Dostupno na / Available at: https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/CASI/
4. Faraway, J J. (2002). Practical Regression and ANOVA Using R. R-project. Dostupno na / Available at: https://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Faraway-PRA.pdf
Students obligationsAt least: 70% attendance to lectures, and 80% attendance to exericses
Knowledge evaluation during semesterMid-term, numerical exercises, max. 100 points
91-100, excellent 5
81-90, very good 4
71-80, good 3
61-70, sufficient 2
Knowledge evaluation after semesterNumerical exercises, max. 100 points
91-100, excellent 5 (A)
81-90, very good 4 (B)
71-80, good 3 (C)
61-70, sufficient 2 (D)
Student activities:
(Written exam)5
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
Proposal made byRenato Filjar, 18th June, 2019

Elective courses 0- ECTS)

DetailsTeachersCourseMode L+(A+L+S+C) (H)EctsCodeAvailable in Eng. language
+P:1.mr. sc. Veselko Tomljenović viši predavačElectrical Machines60+0 (0+0+0+0) (120)6146772NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30233/146772 ECTS 6 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Electrical Machines
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course3rd semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course3rd semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
60+0 (0+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. mr. sc. Veselko Tomljenović viši predavač
Course objectives students will acquire specialist knowledge in the field of electric rotating machines
Learning outcomes:1.ability to make a device for testing the special types of rotating machines . Level:6,7
2.ability to measure specific properties of different types of machines. Level:7
3.ability to give critical evaluation dynamic behaviour of different machines. Level:7
4.ability to choose optional solution to various requirements for the use of electrical machines . Level:7
5.ability to establish the quality of solution for the use of different machines. Level:7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Questions and answers
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
All exposed materials are analized and discussed with students. Considerable part of the material will be taught through individual seminars.
Course content lectures1.Windings of synchronous machines., 4h, Learning outcomes:4
2.Windings of synchronous machines., 4h, Learning outcomes:4
3.Sudden short-circuit and reactances of synchronous machines , 4h, Learning outcomes:1
4.Sudden short-circuit and reactances of synchronous machines , 4h, Learning outcomes:1
5.Monitoring of synchronous machines., 4h, Learning outcomes:2,3
6.Monitoring of synchronous machines., 4h, Learning outcomes:2,3
7.Maintenance and life cycle management of synchronous machines., 4h, Learning outcomes:4
8.Regulations, design construction and types of mechanical protection of induction motors. , 4h, Learning outcomes:5
9.Regulations, design construction and types of mechanical protection of induction motors. , 4h, Learning outcomes:5
10.Heating and cooling of induction motors., 4h, Learning outcomes:5
11.Insulation tests of induction motor windings., 4h, Learning outcomes:2
12.Maintenance of induction motors. , 4h, Learning outcomes:4
13.Linear electric motors., 4h, Learning outcomes:5
14.Electrical step-motors., 4h, Learning outcomes:5
15.Electrical step-motors., 4h, Learning outcomes:5
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
Overhead projector
Exam literature1. Z. Sirotić, Z. Maljković: Sinhroni strojevi,
Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Element, Zagreb, 1996.
2. R. Wolf: Osnove električnih strojeva, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1995.
3. Tehnička enciklopedija Jugoslavenskog leksikografskog zavoda, članak ''Električni strojevi'', knjiga 4.,str. 153-225, Zagreb, 1973.
4. N. Srb: Magnetski monitoring električnih rotacijskih strojeva, Graphis, Zagreb, 2004.
5. Stephen D. Umans: Fitzgerald&Kingsley's Electric Machinery, Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill International Edition, 2014
Students obligationsRegular class attendance.
Knowledge evaluation during semesterMid-term, numerical tasks#2#50#40$Mid-term, theoretical questions#2#50#50$
Knowledge evaluation after semester - Seminar work in consultations with the teacher and using specialist literature
- Oral examination on the seminar work
Student activities:
(Classes attendance)1
(Seminar Work)5
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
+P:1.doc.dr.sc. Aleksander Radovan , prof. struč. stud., dipl.ing.
L:doc.dr.sc. Aleksander Radovan , prof. struč. stud., dipl.ing.
Object oriented programming30+30 (0+30+0+0) (60)4201727NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30746/201727 ECTS 4 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Object oriented programming
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (0+30+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. doc.dr.sc. Aleksander Radovan , prof. struč. stud., dipl.ing.
Laboratory exercises:doc.dr.sc. Aleksander Radovan , prof. struč. stud., dipl.ing.
Course objectives Acquiring knowledge and skills for development of Java applications that use the database.
Learning outcomes:1.write a code for a JavaFX application which will use a GUI and a database. Level:6,7
2.a Java development option if it is suitable for solving a specific task. Level:7
3. elements of an application into classes, interfaces and packages according to the principles of OOP. Level:6,7
4. JavaFX applications to solve various types of practical problems. Level:6,7
5. individually the appropriateness of using Java in solving a specific practical problem. Level:7
6.development environment (Eclipse) for an efficient development of JavaFX applications. Level:6,7
7. the structure of classes in Java applications to make it upgradable. Level:6,7
8. the possibilities of upgrading an application by means of open source libraries. Level:6,7
9.redesign the existing applications by using Java. Level:6,7
10.relate the knowledge of Java to the knowledge of other programming languages. Level:6,7
11.provide a critical review of the advantages and disadvantages of Java when compared to other programming languages. Level:7
12.choose the option to use advanced language features such as lambda expressions for solving programming tasks. Level:7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
Questions and answers
Methods of carrying out laboratory exercisesOther
Practical work using computer with Java development environment installed.
Course content lectures1.Java programming language basics and simple Java programs, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,5,10,11
2.Classes and objects in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
3.Object oriented programming in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:3
4.Exceptions in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8,9,11
5.Collections, generics and Javadoc, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4
6.Files in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:7,9,11
7.JavaFX, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,6
8.JDBC, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,6
9.No classes, 2h
10.No classes, 2h
11.No classes, 2h
12.No classes, 2h
13.No classes, 2h
14.No classes, 2h
15.No classes, 2h
Course content laboratory1.No classes, 2h
2.Classes and objects in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:3,7,10
3.Object oriented programming in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,3,4,5,7,9,10
4.Exceptions in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
5.Collections and generics in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:3,5,7,9,10,11
6.Files in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8,9,10,11
7.JavaFX, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,4,5,6,8,9,10,11
8.JDBC, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,8,9,10,11
9.No classes, 2h
10.No classes, 2h
11.No classes, 2h
12.No classes, 2h
13.No classes, 2h
14.No classes, 2h
15.No classes, 2h
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
General purpose computer laboratory
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Students work individually in the lab, one person per workplace. Work requires use of computers with development tools for programming.
Exam literatureThe Definitive Guide to Modern Java Clients with JavaFX 17: Cross-Platform Mobile and Cloud Development 2nd edition, 2021.
More Java 17: An In-Depth Exploration of the Java Language and Its Features 3rd edition, 2021.
Effective Java, 3rd edition, 2018.
Students obligationsCompleting all six laboratory excercises
Knowledge evaluation during semesterSix laboratory exams - 60 points in total
Two partial exams - 20 points each
Optional points for additional effort
Every partial exam has a correctional exam
Maximum 100 points
0-49 - not good enough
50-61 - sufficient
62-74 - good
75-86 - very good
87-100 - excellent
Knowledge evaluation after semesterWritten exam is evalued with 40 points, and remaining 60 points are transferred from the achievement on laboratory
exams during the semester time.
Student activities:
(Practical work)3
(Written exam)1
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:85745;146752;
Proposal made byPh.D. Aleksander Radovan, college professor, dipl.ing., 05.06.2022.
+P:1.dr.sc. Davor Petranović prof. struč. stud.
P:2.dipl.ing.el. Vladimir Šimović
L: Luka Lažeta
L:dr.sc. Davor Petranović prof. struč. stud.
L:dipl.ing.el. Vladimir Šimović
Lighting and Installations30+30 (0+30+0+0) (120)6146774YES
Code WEB/ISVU 30234/146774 ECTS 6 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Lighting and Installations
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (0+30+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. dr.sc. Davor Petranović prof. struč. stud.
Lectures:2. dipl.ing.el. Vladimir Šimović
Laboratory exercises: Luka Lažeta
Laboratory exercises:dr.sc. Davor Petranović prof. struč. stud.
Laboratory exercises:dipl.ing.el. Vladimir Šimović
Course objectives students will be introduced to new technologies in electrical installations and modern design software
Learning outcomes:1.ability to design electric installations in different objects. Level:6,7
2.ability to design indoor and outdoor lighting in different objects. Level:6,7
3.ability to write technical description and specification ( bill of materials - BOM ) for electrical installations of different objects. Level:6,7
4.ability to write technical description and specification (BOM) for indoor and outdoor lighting of different objects. Level:6,7
5.ability to assess the existing electrical installation of different objects. Level:6,7
6.ability to assess the existing indooe and outdoor lighting of different objects. Level:6,7
7.ability to evaluate a computer-designed model of electrical installation . Level:6,7
8.ability to evaluate a computer-designed model of indoor and outdoor lighting . Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
Methods of carrying out laboratory exercisesLaboratory exercises, computer simulations
Group problem solving
Course content lectures1.Lighting introduction, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
2.Regulations, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
3.Lighting sources, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
4.Lamps, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
5.Indoor illumination, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
6.Outdoor illumination, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
7.Sport illumination, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
8.Kolokvij 1, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
9.Introduction to electric installations, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
10.Regulations, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
11.Power cables, 2h, Learning outcomes:3,7
12.Protection devices, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
13.Calculations, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
14.Metering, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
15.Kolokvij2, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
Course content laboratory1.Indoor lighting calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,6,8
2.Outdoor lighting calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,6,8
3.Road lighting calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,6,8
4.Indor sport lighting calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,6,8
5.Outdoor sport lighting calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,6,8
6.Indoor LED lighting calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,6,8
7.Outdoor LED lighting calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,6,8
8.Introduction to Ecodial, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,5,7
9.House electric installation calculation - 1, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,5,7
10.House electric installation calculation - 2, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,5,7
11.House electric installation calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,5,7
12.Shopping mall electric installation calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,5,7
13.School electric installation calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,5,7
14.Stadium electric installation calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,5,7
15.Sport dome electric installation calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,5,7
Required materialsSpecial purpose computer laboratory
Overhead projector
Exam literatureElectric installation guide, Schneider electric
Tehnički propis za niskonaponske električne instalacije (NN 005/2010)
HRN EN 1838:2008 Primjena rasvjete -- Nužna rasvjeta
HRN EN 12193:2008 Svjetlo i rasvjeta -- Rasvjeta sportskih objekata
HRN EN 12464-1:2012 Svjetlo i rasvjeta -- Rasvjeta radnih mjesta -- 1. dio: Unutrašnji radni prostori
HRN EN 12464-2:2008 Svjetlo i rasvjeta -- Rasvjeta radnih mjesta -- 2. dio: Vanjski radni prostori
HRN EN 12665:2012 Svjetlo i rasvjeta -- Osnovni nazivi i kriteriji za specificiranje zahtjeva rasvjete
HRI CEN/TR 13201-1:2009 Cestovna rasvjeta -- 1. dio: Odabir razreda rasvjete
HRN EN 13201-2:2008 Cestovna rasvjeta -- 2. dio: Zahtijevana svojstva
HRN EN 13201-3:2008 Cestovna rasvjeta -- 3. dio: Proračun svojstava
HRN EN 13201-4:2008 Cestovna rasvjeta -- 4. dio: Metode mjerenja svojstava rasvjete
RELUX On-line manual
Ecodial On-line manual
Students obligations80 % of class attendance
Knowledge evaluation during semesterPaper tests #3#100#50$
Knowledge evaluation after semesterPaper exam#1#80#50$Verbal exam#1#20#50$
Student activities:
(Written exam)5
(Oral exam)1
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:22627;158352;
Proposal made byDavor Petranović,MSEE, 29.05.2013

Elective courses 0- ECTS)

DetailsTeachersCourseMode L+(A+L+S+C) (H)EctsCodeAvailable in Eng. language
+P:1.doc.dr.sc. Aleksander Radovan , prof. struč. stud., dipl.ing.
L:doc.dr.sc. Aleksander Radovan , prof. struč. stud., dipl.ing.
Object oriented programming30+30 (0+30+0+0) (60)4201727NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30746/201727 ECTS 4 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Object oriented programming
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (0+30+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. doc.dr.sc. Aleksander Radovan , prof. struč. stud., dipl.ing.
Laboratory exercises:doc.dr.sc. Aleksander Radovan , prof. struč. stud., dipl.ing.
Course objectives Acquiring knowledge and skills for development of Java applications that use the database.
Learning outcomes:1.write a code for a JavaFX application which will use a GUI and a database. Level:6,7
2.a Java development option if it is suitable for solving a specific task. Level:7
3. elements of an application into classes, interfaces and packages according to the principles of OOP. Level:6,7
4. JavaFX applications to solve various types of practical problems. Level:6,7
5. individually the appropriateness of using Java in solving a specific practical problem. Level:7
6.development environment (Eclipse) for an efficient development of JavaFX applications. Level:6,7
7. the structure of classes in Java applications to make it upgradable. Level:6,7
8. the possibilities of upgrading an application by means of open source libraries. Level:6,7
9.redesign the existing applications by using Java. Level:6,7
10.relate the knowledge of Java to the knowledge of other programming languages. Level:6,7
11.provide a critical review of the advantages and disadvantages of Java when compared to other programming languages. Level:7
12.choose the option to use advanced language features such as lambda expressions for solving programming tasks. Level:7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
Questions and answers
Methods of carrying out laboratory exercisesOther
Practical work using computer with Java development environment installed.
Course content lectures1.Java programming language basics and simple Java programs, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,5,10,11
2.Classes and objects in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
3.Object oriented programming in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:3
4.Exceptions in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8,9,11
5.Collections, generics and Javadoc, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4
6.Files in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:7,9,11
7.JavaFX, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,6
8.JDBC, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,6
9.No classes, 2h
10.No classes, 2h
11.No classes, 2h
12.No classes, 2h
13.No classes, 2h
14.No classes, 2h
15.No classes, 2h
Course content laboratory1.No classes, 2h
2.Classes and objects in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:3,7,10
3.Object oriented programming in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,3,4,5,7,9,10
4.Exceptions in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
5.Collections and generics in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:3,5,7,9,10,11
6.Files in Java, 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8,9,10,11
7.JavaFX, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,4,5,6,8,9,10,11
8.JDBC, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,8,9,10,11
9.No classes, 2h
10.No classes, 2h
11.No classes, 2h
12.No classes, 2h
13.No classes, 2h
14.No classes, 2h
15.No classes, 2h
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
General purpose computer laboratory
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Students work individually in the lab, one person per workplace. Work requires use of computers with development tools for programming.
Exam literatureThe Definitive Guide to Modern Java Clients with JavaFX 17: Cross-Platform Mobile and Cloud Development 2nd edition, 2021.
More Java 17: An In-Depth Exploration of the Java Language and Its Features 3rd edition, 2021.
Effective Java, 3rd edition, 2018.
Students obligationsCompleting all six laboratory excercises
Knowledge evaluation during semesterSix laboratory exams - 60 points in total
Two partial exams - 20 points each
Optional points for additional effort
Every partial exam has a correctional exam
Maximum 100 points
0-49 - not good enough
50-61 - sufficient
62-74 - good
75-86 - very good
87-100 - excellent
Knowledge evaluation after semesterWritten exam is evalued with 40 points, and remaining 60 points are transferred from the achievement on laboratory
exams during the semester time.
Student activities:
(Practical work)3
(Written exam)1
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:85745;146752;
Proposal made byPh.D. Aleksander Radovan, college professor, dipl.ing., 05.06.2022.
+P:1.naslovni prof. dr. sc. Renato Filjar prof. str. st.
A: Darko Špoljar
Applied Statistics30+30 (30+0+0+0) (90)5146751NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30219/146751 ECTS 5 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Applied Statistics
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (30+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. naslovni prof. dr. sc. Renato Filjar prof. str. st.
Auditory exercises: Darko Špoljar
Course objectives To empower students to conduct statistical analysis of a given data set independently. To develop the probabilistic approach to problem solution.
Learning outcomes:1.Comparing the differences and limitations of the data, depending on the measuring scale and distribution as well as an understanding of the distribution parameters.. Level:6,7
2.Analyze the differences between dependent and independent samples; the ability to identify a linear connection between two continuous variables. Level:6
3.define bivariate data; define a scatterplot; define the difference between linear and nonlinear dependence; recognize the negative connection from the scatterplot; define the meaning of the Pearson correlation coefficient; identify the perfect linear dependence; recognize non-linear association of two variables. Level:6,7
4.examine the conditions for the implementation of linear regression and interpretation of regression coefficients; least square method. Level:6,7
5.analyze and understand the proportions and frequencies, and creating contingency tables. Level:6
6. formulate a multiple regression; interpretation of the coefficients in the multiple regression and the comparison of the two models in a multiple regression. Level:6,7
7.select the significant variables in the regression model; understanding coefficient R2 of the final model. Level:7
8.testing assumptions for analysis of variance. Level:7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
Questions and answers
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesLaboratory exercises, computer simulations
Group problem solving
Computer simulations
Laboratorijske vježbe
Course content lectures1.Measuring scales and distribution of some random variables with parameters that define them. Basics transformation of variables, Z - score., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Statistical inference on two samples; comparisons of mean and variance. Testing the difference between means two samples - dependent and independent samples., 4h, Learning outcomes:2
3.Measures of association between two variables - correlation. Introduction to bivariate data and association (correlation)-, 4h, Learning outcomes:3
4.Simple linear regression - Introduction and prerequisites for conducting the analysis; test of homogeneity of variance, independence of observations; influential observations. Evaluation of the regression model - standardized regression coefficient; standardized regression coefficient., 3h, Learning outcomes:4
colloquium, 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
5.Analysis of ordinal and nominal variables. Analysis kontingencijke table - speed Association - Chi Square test as a replacement for Fisher, 3h, Learning outcomes:5
6.Multiple regression. Parameter estimation method of least squares. Significance of regression coefficient. Confidence interval regression analysis., 4h, Learning outcomes:6
7.Evaluation of the regression model. Analysis of residuals and influential observations. The selection of variables in the final model. Comparison of the two models. R2, the percentage of variability previously explained, the meaning of standardized and non-standardized regression coefficients; Venn diagram; standard, sequential and stepwise regression., 4h, Learning outcomes:7
8.Analysis of variance - ANOVA. Testing assumptions. Welch ANOVA / regular ANOVA. The one-factor analysis of variance and višefektorska. The ratio of variance F test., 4h, Learning outcomes:8
9.colloqium, 1h, Learning outcomes:5,6,7,8
10.No class
11.No class
12.No class
13.No class
14.No class
15.No class
Course content auditory1.Practical examples and problems related to the content of the Lecture 1, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Practical examples and problems related to the content of the Lecture 2, 4h, Learning outcomes:2
3.Practical examples and problems related to the content of the Lecture 3, 4h, Learning outcomes:3
4.Practical examples and problems related to the content of the Lecture 4, 4h, Learning outcomes:4
5.Practical examples and problems related to the content of the Lecture 5, 4h, Learning outcomes:5
6.Practical examples and problems related to the content of the Lecture 6, 4h, Learning outcomes:6
7.Practical examples and problems related to the content of the Lecture 7, 4h, Learning outcomes:7
8.Practical examples and problems related to the content of the Lecture 8, 4h, Learning outcomes:8
9.no exercise
10.no exercise
11.no exercise
12.no exercise
13.no exercise
14.no exercise
15.no exercise
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
General purpose computer laboratory
Overhead projector
Special equipment
R environment for statistical computing, RStudio
Exam literatureObavezna / Mandatory
1. Petzoldt, T. (2018). Data Analysis with R: Selected Topics and Examples. Technical University of Dresden. Dresden, Njemačka. Dostupno na / Available at: https://wwwpub.zih.tu-dresden.de/~petzoldt/elements_en.pdf
2. Furrer, R i suradnici. (2020). (A Gentle) Introduction to Statistics. University of Zurich. Zurich, Švicarska. Dostupno na / Available at: http://user.math.uzh.ch/furrer/download/intro2stat/script_sta120.pdf
3. Lilja, D J. (2016). Linear Regression Using R. An Introduction to Data Modeling. University of Minesota. Dostupno na:

Dopunska / Alternative
3. Efron, B, Hastie, T. (2016). Computer Age Statistical Inference: Algorithms, Evidence, and Data Science. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, UK. Dostupno na / Available at: https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/CASI/
4. Faraway, J J. (2002). Practical Regression and ANOVA Using R. R-project. Dostupno na / Available at: https://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Faraway-PRA.pdf
Students obligationsAt least: 70% attendance to lectures, and 80% attendance to exericses
Knowledge evaluation during semesterMid-term, numerical exercises, max. 100 points
91-100, excellent 5
81-90, very good 4
71-80, good 3
61-70, sufficient 2
Knowledge evaluation after semesterNumerical exercises, max. 100 points
91-100, excellent 5 (A)
81-90, very good 4 (B)
71-80, good 3 (C)
61-70, sufficient 2 (D)
Student activities:
(Written exam)5
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
Proposal made byRenato Filjar, 18th June, 2019
+P:1.mr.sc. Davor Gadže d. i. e., v. pred.
P:2.dr. sc. Tomislav Špoljarić d. i. e., prof. struč. stud.
P: Dorian Jelečki , mag.ing.el., pred.
K:mr.sc. Davor Gadže d. i. e., v. pred.
K: Dorian Jelečki , mag.ing.el., pred.
K: Mario Ličanin
K:dr. sc. Tomislav Špoljarić d. i. e., prof. struč. stud.
K: Branimir Vuletić-Komljen
Design and construction of power plants30+30 (0+0+0+30) (120)6146767NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30228/146767 ECTS 6 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Design and construction of power plants
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (0+0+0+30)
Teachers Lectures:1. mr.sc. Davor Gadže d. i. e., v. pred.
Lectures:2. dr. sc. Tomislav Špoljarić d. i. e., prof. struč. stud.
Lectures: Dorian Jelečki , mag.ing.el., pred.
Construction exercises:mr.sc. Davor Gadže d. i. e., v. pred.
Construction exercises: Dorian Jelečki , mag.ing.el., pred.
Construction exercises: Mario Ličanin
Construction exercises:dr. sc. Tomislav Špoljarić d. i. e., prof. struč. stud.
Construction exercises: Branimir Vuletić Komljen
Course objectives students will acquire knowledge of establishing, designing and constructing electric power plant
Learning outcomes:1.ability to determine the energy requirements of electric power plant. Level:7
2.ability to select the elements of protection against overload inelectric power plant. Level:7
3.ability to select the elements of protection against indirect contact in electric power plant. Level:7
4.ability to design a scheme of the electric power plant control. Level:6,7
5.ability to write project documentation of electric power plant. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Questions and answers
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
Course content lectures1.Industrial plant - material, energy and information flow., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Engineering approach to analysis and synthesis of the plant., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Laws, regulations and standards in design (IEC, ISO, HRN)., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
4.Stages of plant construction: project, installation, commissioning and operating., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
5.Tehnička dokumentacija za pojedine faze., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
6.Energy requirements, power supply and quality., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
7.Reactive power control. High harmonic sources and filtering., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
8.Protection of staff and equipment in the plant., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,5
9.Protection against voltage shock., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,5
10.Earthing and potential equalizing., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,5
11.Protection against short circuits., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5
12.Protection against overload., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5
13.Safety working conditions: mechanical protection., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
14.Safety working conditions: cooling., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
15.Plant testing and commissioning , 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
Course content constructures1.no classes, 2h
2.no classes, 2h
3.no classes, 2h
4.no classes, 2h
5.no classes, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,4,5
6.Organization of project documentation, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,4,5
7.Organization of project documentation, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,4,5
8.forms, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
9.the installation site, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
10.marking, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
11.symbols, 3h, Learning outcomes:2,3,4,5
12.wires, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
13.cables, 3h, Learning outcomes:2,3,4,5
14.layout of equipment, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
15.reporting, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
Required materialsGeneral purpose computer laboratory
Special equipment
Exam literature1. A. D. Wilkoks: Engineering design for Electrical Engineers, Prentice Hall. 1990.
2 Electrical installation guide – According to IEC Standards 2010; Schneider Electric SAS, Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France.
2. Westermannov elektrotehnički priručnik; Školska knjiga, Zagreb 1991.
3 Tehnički priručnik; Končar elektroindustrija dd Zagreb, 1991.
4. EPLAN, CADdy, WsCAD – upute za korištenje
Students obligationsclasses pressence
Knowledge evaluation during semesterpressence 10
seminar 40
oral exam 50
Knowledge evaluation after semesterseminar 40
oral exam 60
Student activities:
(Constantly tested knowledge)6
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:22614;
Proposal made byMr. sc. Davor Gadže, viši predavač

Elective courses 0- ECTS)

DetailsTeachersCourseMode L+(A+L+S+C) (H)EctsCodeAvailable in Eng. language
+P:1. Dinko Horvat struč.spec.ing.techn.inf.
P:2.dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec.
A: Dinko Horvat struč.spec.ing.techn.inf.
Digital economy30+15 (15+0+0+0) (75)4146744NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30212/146744 ECTS 4 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Digital economy
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+15 (15+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. Dinko Horvat struč.spec.ing.techn.inf.
Lectures:2. dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec.
Auditory exercises: Dinko Horvat struč.spec.ing.techn.inf.
Course objectives The aim of the course is to introduce students with the development of digital economy in the platform economy model
Learning outcomes:1.Compare old and new factors that determine economic development in the platform economy. Level:6,7
2.Formulate the underlying concepts associated with the development of the platform economy. Level:6,7
3.Formulate the underlying factors that determine the difference between the classic linear and circular model of production. Level:6,7
4.Assess the underlying factors that affect the economic trends in the post-industrial society. Level:6,7
5.Compare old and new factors that determine economic development in the platform economy. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
Questions and answers
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesTraditional literature analysis
Essay writing
Discussion, brainstorming
Course content lectures1.Defining the business model of the platform economy, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Defining changes within the industry under the influence of the platform economy, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.The process of transforming a classic linear business into a platform model. Platform model, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
4.Capitalization of a company from a platform model. The value of brands from the platform economy model, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
5.Colloquium, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
6.The platform strategy is not a software strategy. Historical Review of Strategies, 2h, Learning outcomes:3
7.Linear business model. A platform-based business model, 2h, Learning outcomes:3
8.Platforms change industrial environments, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
9.Architecture platform. Network effect, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
10.Colloquium, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
11.Platform launch models, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
12.Metrics on platforms, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
13.Management Platform Strategies, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
14.Monetization on platforms, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
15.Colloquium, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
Course content auditory1.Explain and put into context the development of economic systems through history, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Explain the basics of the development of different models of the economy of the platform, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Determining key management strategies in the process of transforming classical linear business into a platform economy model, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
4.Determining the key factors that have affected the change of business paradigm, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
5.Determining Key Factors Affecting the Value of Brands in Platform Economics, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
6.Determining Key Factors Affecting Managerial Processes Managing the , 2h, Learning outcomes:3
7.Evaluate and analyze the underlying factors that affect the architecture of the platform, 2h, Learning outcomes:3
8.Evaluate and analyze the underlying factors that affect building network effect, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
9.Evaluate and identify the underlying factors that affect platform launch strategies, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
10.Evaluate and Identify Fundamental Factors Determining the Power of Network Effect After Launching Platforms, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
11.Evaluate the underlying metric factors in the different phase metrics on platforms, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
12.Evaluate the underlying factors in the growth and maturity of the platform, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
13.Evaluate the underlying factors in the growth and maturity of the platformi , 2h, Learning outcomes:5
14.Evaluate the underlying factors of ecosystem development as a management strategy, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
15.Determining the underlying factors that affect the monetization method on the platform, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Exam literatureObvezatna literatura:
1. Parker, G.G.; Van Alstyne, M.W.; Choudary, S.P. (2016) Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets are Transforming the Economy and How to Make Them Work for You, W.W. Norton & Company Ltd.
2.Tapscott, D.,The Digital Economy Anniversary Edition: rethinking promise and peril in the age of networked intelligence,McGrow-Hill Education,978-0-07-183555-8,2015

Neobvezatna literatura:
1. Moazed, A.; Johnson, N.L. (2016) Modern Monopolies – What it takes to Dominate the 21st Century Economy, Applico, LLC
Students obligationsAttendance at lectures; seminar work
Knowledge evaluation during semesterColloquium I and II
Knowledge evaluation after semesterWritten exam
Student activities:
(Written exam)2
(Seminar Work)2
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
Proposal made byPhD Sanja Bračun
+P:1.dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec.
A:dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec.
Asset Management30+15 (15+0+0+0) (75)4146748NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30216/146748 ECTS 4 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Asset Management
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+15 (15+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec.
Auditory exercises:dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec.
Course objectives As part of this course, students will understand that Asset management is not a separate business process that is carried out only in large companies, but a set of integrated information systems of any company that requires constant improvements. Students will be able to distinguish between tangible and intangible assets, describe the procurement process supported by the Supply Chain Management system, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of implementing internal and external Asset maintenance processes. At the same time, they will get an insight into all planning and investment processes in company supported by the Enterprise Resources Planning system and importance of human resources care supported by the Human Resources Management system. In that way, students will focus on critical thinking about each individual process of all assets forms managing, which will enable them to independently make the proposals for improving any of individual information subsystems as a unique integrated Asset management system within the company where they will be employed.
Learning outcomes:1.Assess the role and place of Asset management within the business system. Level:6,7
2.Link the processes of market analysis, planning, and successful Asset management . Level:6,7
3.Evaluate indicators of a Key performance indicators of Asset management during a whole lifecycle. Level:6,7
4.Select a suggestion option for improving a particular Asset management process. Level:7
5.Defend the position of the most commonly used ICT tools for Asset management . Level:7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Guest lecturer
Case studies
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
Lectures are presented as combination of the theoretical frame with large number of Asset management practical cases within the electrotechnical field. On that way students are motivated to express their critical positive or negative opinion.
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Discussion, brainstorming
During the auditory exercises, students are prepared for independent writing of a seminar paper in which they not only analyze, but also give suggestions for improving the Asset management process in the company where they are employed or which they know well. In doing so, they use the knowledge gained from Asset Management field during the lectures, with continuous teacher guidance through discussion and brainstorming during the exercises.
Course content lectures1.No lessons
2.No lessons
3.No lessons
4.No lessons
5.No lessons
6.No lessons
7.No lessons
8.Introductory lecture, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
9.Types of enterprise assets and their strategic management , 4h, Learning outcomes:1
10.Asset management implementation and their Life cycle monitoring , 4h, Learning outcomes:2
11.Property usage and maintenance, 4h, Learning outcomes:2
12.Metrics, standards and Asset management KPI's monitoring , 4h, Learning outcomes:3
13.Market analysis, segmentation and marketing processes as a tools for successful Asset management, 4h, Learning outcomes:4
14.Available data within the integrated information system for Asset management and investment study, 4h, Learning outcomes:4
15.Integrated Asset management systems and their reliability , 4h, Learning outcomes:5
Course content auditory1.No exercise
2.No exercise
3.No exercise
4.No exercise
5.No exercise
6.No exercise
7.No exercise
8.No exercise
9.Process of Asset Management Planning, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2
10.Practical application of Market analysis , 4h, Learning outcomes:2,3
11.Faults and damage monitoring of Fixed assets during their life cycle , 4h, Learning outcomes:4
12.Program support and Risk management methods of integrated Asset management systems, 4h, Learning outcomes:4
13.No exercise
14.No exercise
15.No exercise
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
General purpose computer laboratory
Overhead projector
Elementary: lecture room with projector.
Exam literatureObavezna literatura:
1. dr. sc. Sanja Bračun (2024.), Aktualne elektroničke mape nastavnika pripremljene za predavanja dostupne na LMS sustavu, https://lms-2020.tvz.hr/course/view.php?id=712
2. prof. dr. sc. Ivo Čala i ostali, (2016.), Održavanje i gospodarenje imovinom, Hrvatsko društvo održavatelja, Zagreb.

Preporučena literatura:
1. Juan Pablo Usuga Cadavid, (2020.), Machine learning applied in production planning and control: a stateoftheart in the era of industry 4.0, Springer.
2. G. Cheng, (2020.), Joint optimization of production, quality control and maintenance for serial-parallel multistage production systems, ScienceDirect.
3. O. Kaganova, (2020.), An Asset Management Approach to Planning, Funding, and Managing Public Spaces, dostupan na: https://doi.org/10.1596/978-1-4648-1449-5_ch3
4. M. Stride, (2019.), The use of building information modelling by quantity surveyors in facilities management roles, dostupan na: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/ECAM-11-2019-0660/full/html
Students obligations50% of attendance on lessons and exercises
Knowledge evaluation during semesterDesign, presentation and defence student’s seminar work
Knowledge evaluation after semesterAfter defence of student’s seminar work, the student applies for oral exam.
Student activities:
(Oral exam)2
(Seminar Work)2
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
Proposal made bydr .sc. Sanja Bračun
+P:1.dr.sc. Ljiljana Matuško Antonić dipl.iur.
P:2. Goran Vujisić v. pred.
A:dr.sc. Ljiljana Matuško Antonić dipl.iur.
Bussiness Ethics and Law30+15 (15+0+0+0) (75)4146750NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30218/146750 ECTS 4 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Bussiness Ethics and Law
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+15 (15+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. dr.sc. Ljiljana Matuško Antonić dipl.iur.
Lectures:2. Goran Vujisić v. pred.
Auditory exercises:dr.sc. Ljiljana Matuško Antonić dipl.iur.
Course objectives Introduce students to the interest group management theory and teach them about basic notions of civil law.
Learning outcomes:1.application of EU law. Level:6,7
2.development of ethical approaches in interpersonal relations. Level:6,7
3.negotiation in legal relations. Level:6,7
4.conclusion of basic contracts. Level:6,7
5.ethical and business approach to work. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesCase studies
Questions and answers
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
Interactive lessons.
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Discussion, brainstorming
Practice courses in real life situations.
Course content lectures1.Introduction to Civil Law, 2h
2.Principles of Civil Law, 2h
3.The subjects and objects of civil right, 2h
4.Introduction to the law of obligations, 2h
5.Subjects civil obligations relations, 2h
6.Objects civil obligations relations, 2h
7.Reinforcement of civil obligations relations, 2h
8.The sales contract, Services contract, 2h
9.Construction contract, 2h
10.Loan Agreement, 2h
11.The agency agreement, 2h
12.Termination of an obligation relations, 2h
13.Introduction to business ethics, principles, 2h
14.Convention on Human Rights, 2h
15.The right to freedom of speech, work, family life, 2h
Course content auditory1.Protection of private life, 2h
2.The responsibilities of the contractor, 2h
3.The banking secret, 2h
4.The right buyer, 2h
5.Relatively be invalid contracts, 2h
6.Legal actions for determining ownership, 2h
7.Odgovornost za nedostatke stvari, 2h
8.The sales contract, 2h
9.Construction contract, 2h
10.Loan Agreement, 2h
11.The agency agreement, 2h
12.Liability for Damage, 2h
13.Breach of contract, 2h
14.Ineffectiveness of contract, 2h
15.Services contract, 2h
Required materialsWhiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Practice courses in real life situations.
Exam literature1. Hans Jonas, The Imperative of Responsibility, The University of Chicago Press
2. Funky Business – Kapital pleše samo s darovitima, Kjell A. Nordström & Jonas Ridderstråle (Differo)
3. Etika u gospodarstvu : (religije, moral, poslovanje) / Tibor Karpati (Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku)
4. Business Ethics: Readings and Cases in Corporate Morality, / W. Michael Hoffman, Robert E Frederick, Mark Schwartz (McGraw-Hill Humanities)
5. http://www.kurzweilai.net/
6. Građansko pravo: Martin Vedriš, Petar Klarić, Narodne novine 2003
7. Stvarno pravo: Nikola Gavella, Tatjana Josipović, Igor Gliha, Vlado Belaj, Zlatan Stipković
Students obligationsmaximum of 3 absences from exercises
Knowledge evaluation during semesterSeminarski rad#1#20#0$Usmena provjera znanja#1#80#0$
Knowledge evaluation after semesterWriting a paper on subject and exam.
Student activities:
(Classes attendance)1
(Written exam)3
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:22663;63931;63932;63933;132265;200529;
+P:2.mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
A:mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
S:mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
Quality Management30+16 (13+0+3+0) (104)5146746NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30214/146746 ECTS 5 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Quality Management
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+16 (13+0+3+0)
Teachers Lectures:2. mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
Auditory exercises:mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
Seminar exercises:mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
Course objectives The goal of the course is to train students for comprehensive quality management within the organization through assessment of process compliance with regulations and norms, identification and resolution of non-compliance, evaluation of process stability and variability, development of quality assurance systems, and continuous process improvement to ensure maximum efficiency and user satisfaction.
Learning outcomes:1.evaluate the compliance of the production process or service with regulations and norms. Level:7
2.propose an appropriate tool for solving non-compliance with regulations and norms. Level:6,7
3.evaluate the stability and variability of the process. Level:7
4.ability to propose the activities which will introduce advancements in the existing processes in an organisation, to increase efficiency and reduce costs. Level:6,7
5.ability to manage the quality system in a chosen model of a work organisation or institution. Level:6,7
6.ability to devise a documented procedure to describe a process in the organisation model. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Guest lecturer
Case studies
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Data mining and knowledge discovery on the Web
Discussion, brainstorming
Interactive problem solving
Methods of carrying out seminarsData mining and knowledge discovery on the Web
Discussion, brainstorming
Student chooses an example to analyse, work on it and present for the group.
Course content lectures1.Introduction to the course, Basic terms in the field of quality assurance and quality control, Legal regulations and systems of norms in the field of quality, 3h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Management of the quality assurance system, Defining requirements and standards, Quality assurance planning, 3h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Implementation of the quality management system according to the ISO 9001 standard, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2
4.Quality in the process of designing a product or service, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2
5.Process quality assurance, Development of quality assurance plans, standard operating procedures and work instructions, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
6.Process quality control, Statistical process control, Measurement of process stability and variability, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
7.Quality in procurement, Control of incoming materials, Qualification of suppliers, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
8.Intermediate and final product control and testing, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5
9.Quality audits, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5
10.Data analysis and feedback, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5
11.Corrective and preventive measures, Management of non-conformities, Continuous improvement, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
12.Documentation management, 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
13.Training and development of employees, 1h, Learning outcomes:5,6
14.no lessons
15.no lessons
Course content auditory1.no lessons
2.no lessons
3.no lessons
4.no lessons
5.no lessons
6.Application of basic quality tools for process improvement, 1h, Learning outcomes:3,4
7.Process development and manufacturing, FMEA analysis, 1h, Learning outcomes:3,4,5
8.Statistical methods in the field of input control, 1h, Learning outcomes:3,4
9.Statistical methods in the field of process control, 1h, Learning outcomes:4,5
10.Statistical methods in the field of final control, 1h, Learning outcomes:3,4
11.Planning and implementation of improvements using the Kaizen method, 1h, Learning outcomes:4,5
12.Lean Six Sigma methodology, 1h, Learning outcomes:3,4
13.certificates in the field of quality, 2h, Learning outcomes:3,4,5
14.Analysis of seminar papers, 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
15.Case study analysis - Quality management model in a hypothetical organization, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
Course content seminars1.No lessons
2.No lessons
3.No lessons
4.No lessons
5.No lessons
6.No lessons
7.No lessons
8.No lessons
9.No lessons
10.No lessons
11.No lessons
12.No lessons
13.No lessons
14.Presentation of seminar papers, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
15.No lessons
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Exam literatureJ.M.Juran, Quality Control Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1989.
Juran, Joseph Moses; Frank M. Gryna. 1993, 1999, Planiranje i analiza kvalitete. MATE d.o.o. Zagreb
E.L.Grant, R.S.Leavenworth, Statistical Quality Control, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988.

Lazibat, Tonči, 2009, Upravljanje kvalitetom, Znanstv. knjiga, Zagreb.
Oslić, Ivica, 2008, Kvaliteta i poslovna izvrsnost, MEP Consult, Zagreb
Štajdohar-Pađen, Olga, 2009, Plivati s ISO-m i ostati živ, Kigen, Zagreb
Students obligationsSubmitted and defended seminar paper and graded with at least 20/40 points
Knowledge evaluation during semester1st midterm exam, at least 15/30 points
2nd midterm exam, at least 15/30 points
Knowledge evaluation after semesterWritten exam, at least 30/60 points

Evaluation - point scale:

50 - 62 = 2
63 - 76 = 3
77 - 89 = 4
90 -100 = 5
Student activities:
(Written exam)4
(Seminar Work)1
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
Proposal made bymr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec (26. 5. 2024.)
+P:1.mr.sc. Branimir Preprotić dipl. inž. stroj.
A: Nino Sipina
S:mr.sc. Branimir Preprotić dipl. inž. stroj.
Project Management30+15 (11+0+4+0) (105)5146747NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30215/146747 ECTS 5 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Project Management
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+15 (11+0+4+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. mr.sc. Branimir Preprotić dipl. inž. stroj.
Auditory exercises: Nino Sipina
Seminar exercises:mr.sc. Branimir Preprotić dipl. inž. stroj.
Course objectives students will master basic elements of business management, production processes and services which can be viewed as projects
Learning outcomes:1.determine the importance of project management for a contemporary organization. Level:7
2.ability to manage the processes of the project integrity, its scope, time, costs, quality, personnel, communications, risks and project procurement . Level:6,7
3.ability to estimate the project risks in the project proposal. Level:6,7
4.ability to organize the project into steps and activities which will contribute to obtain the project goal. Level:6,7
5.ability to standardize required time and resources for carrying out activities using network planning techniques. Level:6,7
6.ability to plan costs for carrying out the project activities. Level:6,7
7.ability to analyze the project proposal through logical matrix. Level:6,7
8.ability to develop readiness for teamwork and cooperation. Level:6,7
9.ability to combine methods and procedures for decision making. Level:6,7
10.ability to estimate the impact of project on the environment. Level:6,7
11.ability to make a proposal for project and project plan in seminar paper. Level:6,7
12.present the project product , methods of keeping and monitoring plan, the expected change after project completion. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
The whole material is presented in lectures illustrated by drawings, tables and graphs to facilitate understanding of the topic. It can be presented on OHP or in Power Point.
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Computer simulations
Problems of each particular topic analysed are solved on the blackboard. After explaining and solving a problem of a topic, students are given a related one to solve it on their own but with assistance of the teacher. Using the BK technique and with assistance of their teacher, students create a smaller project.
Methods of carrying out seminarsGroup problem solving
Course content lectures1.Nature and context of project management, processes and knowledge domains, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Strategy and project management, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
3.Strategy and project management, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
4. Project management and interest and influence groups in project , 2h, Learning outcomes:3
5. Project structure, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
6. Initiating the project plans, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
7. Initiating the project plans, 2h, Learning outcomes:6
8.Preliminary project, 2h, Learning outcomes:6
9.Colloquium, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
10.Planning techniques, 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8
11.Planning techniques, 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8
12.Project implementation, 2h, Learning outcomes:9,10
13.Project implementation, 2h, Learning outcomes:9,10
14.Project closing, 2h, Learning outcomes:11
15.Colloquium, 2h, Learning outcomes:6,7,8,9,10,11,12
Course content auditory1.no class
2.no class
3.no class
4.no class
5.no class
6.Decision making methods, acceptance of differences, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
7.Problem analysis, problem /goal tree, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
8.Goal achievement strategy, logic matrix , 2h, Learning outcomes:6
9.Network planning techniques - tasks , 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8
10.Network planning techniques - tasks , 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8
11.Network planning techniques - tasks , 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8
12.no class
13.no class
14.no class
15.no class
Course content seminars1.no class
2.no class
3.no class
4.no class
5.no class
6.no class
7.no class
8.no class
9.no class
10.no class
11.no class
12.no class
13.no class
14.To logically relate the project elements, inspect logical matrix, present the project idea, 4h, Learning outcomes:11,12
15.no class
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
General purpose computer laboratory
Overhead projector
Operating supplies
Exam literaturePMI:Znanje o upravljanju projektima (vodič kroz PMBOK, 4.izdanje)mate d.o.o., Zagreb 2011.; Nikolić, čala, alić-kostešić: metode u planiranju odjeće,ZS 2010.;Čala,I; i ostali autori: Inženjerski priručnik, dio 4, poglavlja 6. Planiranje i praćenje proizvodnje, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2002.
Vila, A; Štajdl, B; Čala, I; Karabajić, I: Metode planiranja proizvodnje, Informator, Zagreb, 1982.
Vila, A; Leicher, Z: Planiranje proizvodnje i kontrola rokova, Informator, 3. izdanje, Zagreb 1983.
Schroeder, Roger,G: Upravljanje proizvodnjom, Mate, Zagreb, 1999.
Bilješke koje nastavnik priprema za nastavu
Čala, I: «Stupnjevito planiranje», izlaganje na savjetovanju «Upravljanje proizvodnjom», CDI Zagreb, Briuni, 1989.
Dilworth,J.B.: Operations Management, Mc Grow Hill, inc., New York, 1995.
Schonberger,R.J., Knod, M.E.: Operations Management, Irwin, 1994.
Majstorović, V.: «Upravljanje Proizvodnjom i projektima» (Production and Project Management), Nakladnici Sveučilište u Mostaru i DAAAM International Vienna, Mostar-Wien 2001.
Students obligationssubmitted seminar paper, regular lecture attendance
Knowledge evaluation during semesterRedovitost pohađanja#2#0#0$Kolokvij, numerički zadaci#1#33#60$Kolokvij, teorijska pitanja#1#33#60$Seminarski rad#1#34#60$
1. colloquium min 30, max 50
2. colloquium min 30, max 50
Knowledge evaluation after semester• written and oral exam
points evaluation
0 0
89 1
90 2
106 3
121 4
136 5
Student activities:
(Constantly tested knowledge)2
(Seminar Work)1
(Written exam)2
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:22658;63916;63917;63918;161640;
+P:1.dr. sc. Sanja Morić predavačica
A:dr. sc. Sanja Morić predavačica
The Protection of the Environment and the Quality of Life30+15 (15+0+0+0) (75)4146753NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30220/146753 ECTS 4 Academic year 2024/2025
Name The Protection of the Environment and the Quality of Life
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+15 (15+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. dr. sc. Sanja Morić predavačica
Auditory exercises:dr. sc. Sanja Morić predavačica
Course objectives Understanding the interdependence of quality of life and environmental protection by applying a project approach in teaching
Learning outcomes:1.to determine the terms and trends in environmental protection. Level:6,7
2.to compare the ways of protection of the environment in the protected areas and the other areas of the republic of Croatia. Level:6,7
3.to analyze the impact of the environment on the quality of life of the individual (society). Level:6
4.to distinguish a traditional and contemporary (sustainable) environmental development. Level:6
5.to relate the importance of protecting the environment and its components in achieving (higher) quality of life. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Guest lecturer
Case studies
Questions and answers
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Data mining and knowledge discovery on the Web
Discussion, brainstorming
Course content lectures1.Introduction to the course and obligations, 3h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Form of writing a seminar paper, 4h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Sustainable development and quality of life, 5h, Learning outcomes:2,3,4
4.Urbanization and climate change, 5h, Learning outcomes:4,5
5.Industry – Agriculture - Environment, 5h, Learning outcomes:4,5
6.Guest lecturer - Environment and health, 3h, Learning outcomes:3,5
7.Green projects and innovations, 5h, Learning outcomes:3
8.No classes
9.No classes
10.No classes
11.No classes
12.No classes
13.No classes
14.No classes
15.No classes
Course content auditory1.No exercises
2.Selection of the topic of the seminar paper, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.No exercises
4.No exercises
5.No exercises
6.No exercises
7.No exercises
8.Workshop 1 - writing a seminar paper, 4h, Learning outcomes:2,3
9.Workshop 2 - writing a seminar paper, 4h, Learning outcomes:4,5
10.Presentation of seminar paper, 5h, Learning outcomes:5
11.No exercises
12.No exercises
13.No exercises
14.No exercises
15.No exercises
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Operating supplies
papers (A0, A4, post it), marker pens etc.
Exam literatureMaterijali s predavanja
Dopunska literatura:
1. Nacionalna razvojna strategija Republike Hrvatske do 2030. godine
2. Zakon o zaštiti okoliša nn 80/13
3. Zakon o zaštiti prirode nn 80/13
4. 52 koraka prema zelenijem gradu, Europska komisija, Opća uprava za okoliš, Luxembourg, Ured za publikacije EU, 2018
5. Biološka raznolikost Hrvatske, ur: Jasminka Radović, Kristijan Čivić, Ramona Topić, Vida Posavec Vukelić, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode Ministarstvo kulture RH, Zagreb 2009.
6. Crvena knjiga vaskularne flore RH, Kategorije EX, RE, CR, EN i VU, ur: Toni Nikolić i Jasenka Topić i Ministarstvo kulture, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, RH, 2005.
7. Small-scale aquaponic food production – Integrated fish and plant farming, FAO Fisheries and aquaculture technical paper 589, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 2014.
Students obligationsClass attendance - as measured through minimal presence checks at 70%
Knowledge evaluation during semesterCheck points of seminar paper execution at exercise
Knowledge evaluation after semesterSeminar paper
Student activities:
(Classes attendance)2
(Activity in class)1
(Seminar Work)1
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
Proposal made bydr. sc. Sanja Morić, lecturer

Elective courses 0- ECTS)

DetailsTeachersCourseMode L+(A+L+S+C) (H)EctsCodeAvailable in Eng. language
+P:1. Dinko Horvat struč.spec.ing.techn.inf.
P:2.dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec.
A: Dinko Horvat struč.spec.ing.techn.inf.
Digital economy30+15 (15+0+0+0) (75)4146744NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30212/146744 ECTS 4 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Digital economy
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+15 (15+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. Dinko Horvat struč.spec.ing.techn.inf.
Lectures:2. dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec.
Auditory exercises: Dinko Horvat struč.spec.ing.techn.inf.
Course objectives The aim of the course is to introduce students with the development of digital economy in the platform economy model
Learning outcomes:1.Compare old and new factors that determine economic development in the platform economy. Level:6,7
2.Formulate the underlying concepts associated with the development of the platform economy. Level:6,7
3.Formulate the underlying factors that determine the difference between the classic linear and circular model of production. Level:6,7
4.Assess the underlying factors that affect the economic trends in the post-industrial society. Level:6,7
5.Compare old and new factors that determine economic development in the platform economy. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
Questions and answers
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesTraditional literature analysis
Essay writing
Discussion, brainstorming
Course content lectures1.Defining the business model of the platform economy, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Defining changes within the industry under the influence of the platform economy, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.The process of transforming a classic linear business into a platform model. Platform model, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
4.Capitalization of a company from a platform model. The value of brands from the platform economy model, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
5.Colloquium, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
6.The platform strategy is not a software strategy. Historical Review of Strategies, 2h, Learning outcomes:3
7.Linear business model. A platform-based business model, 2h, Learning outcomes:3
8.Platforms change industrial environments, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
9.Architecture platform. Network effect, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
10.Colloquium, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
11.Platform launch models, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
12.Metrics on platforms, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
13.Management Platform Strategies, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
14.Monetization on platforms, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
15.Colloquium, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
Course content auditory1.Explain and put into context the development of economic systems through history, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Explain the basics of the development of different models of the economy of the platform, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Determining key management strategies in the process of transforming classical linear business into a platform economy model, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
4.Determining the key factors that have affected the change of business paradigm, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
5.Determining Key Factors Affecting the Value of Brands in Platform Economics, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
6.Determining Key Factors Affecting Managerial Processes Managing the , 2h, Learning outcomes:3
7.Evaluate and analyze the underlying factors that affect the architecture of the platform, 2h, Learning outcomes:3
8.Evaluate and analyze the underlying factors that affect building network effect, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
9.Evaluate and identify the underlying factors that affect platform launch strategies, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
10.Evaluate and Identify Fundamental Factors Determining the Power of Network Effect After Launching Platforms, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
11.Evaluate the underlying metric factors in the different phase metrics on platforms, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
12.Evaluate the underlying factors in the growth and maturity of the platform, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
13.Evaluate the underlying factors in the growth and maturity of the platformi , 2h, Learning outcomes:5
14.Evaluate the underlying factors of ecosystem development as a management strategy, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
15.Determining the underlying factors that affect the monetization method on the platform, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Exam literatureObvezatna literatura:
1. Parker, G.G.; Van Alstyne, M.W.; Choudary, S.P. (2016) Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets are Transforming the Economy and How to Make Them Work for You, W.W. Norton & Company Ltd.
2.Tapscott, D.,The Digital Economy Anniversary Edition: rethinking promise and peril in the age of networked intelligence,McGrow-Hill Education,978-0-07-183555-8,2015

Neobvezatna literatura:
1. Moazed, A.; Johnson, N.L. (2016) Modern Monopolies – What it takes to Dominate the 21st Century Economy, Applico, LLC
Students obligationsAttendance at lectures; seminar work
Knowledge evaluation during semesterColloquium I and II
Knowledge evaluation after semesterWritten exam
Student activities:
(Written exam)2
(Seminar Work)2
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
Proposal made byPhD Sanja Bračun
+P:1.dr.sc. Ljiljana Matuško Antonić dipl.iur.
P:2. Goran Vujisić v. pred.
A:dr.sc. Ljiljana Matuško Antonić dipl.iur.
Bussiness Ethics and Law30+15 (15+0+0+0) (75)4146750NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30218/146750 ECTS 4 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Bussiness Ethics and Law
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+15 (15+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. dr.sc. Ljiljana Matuško Antonić dipl.iur.
Lectures:2. Goran Vujisić v. pred.
Auditory exercises:dr.sc. Ljiljana Matuško Antonić dipl.iur.
Course objectives Introduce students to the interest group management theory and teach them about basic notions of civil law.
Learning outcomes:1.application of EU law. Level:6,7
2.development of ethical approaches in interpersonal relations. Level:6,7
3.negotiation in legal relations. Level:6,7
4.conclusion of basic contracts. Level:6,7
5.ethical and business approach to work. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesCase studies
Questions and answers
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
Interactive lessons.
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Discussion, brainstorming
Practice courses in real life situations.
Course content lectures1.Introduction to Civil Law, 2h
2.Principles of Civil Law, 2h
3.The subjects and objects of civil right, 2h
4.Introduction to the law of obligations, 2h
5.Subjects civil obligations relations, 2h
6.Objects civil obligations relations, 2h
7.Reinforcement of civil obligations relations, 2h
8.The sales contract, Services contract, 2h
9.Construction contract, 2h
10.Loan Agreement, 2h
11.The agency agreement, 2h
12.Termination of an obligation relations, 2h
13.Introduction to business ethics, principles, 2h
14.Convention on Human Rights, 2h
15.The right to freedom of speech, work, family life, 2h
Course content auditory1.Protection of private life, 2h
2.The responsibilities of the contractor, 2h
3.The banking secret, 2h
4.The right buyer, 2h
5.Relatively be invalid contracts, 2h
6.Legal actions for determining ownership, 2h
7.Odgovornost za nedostatke stvari, 2h
8.The sales contract, 2h
9.Construction contract, 2h
10.Loan Agreement, 2h
11.The agency agreement, 2h
12.Liability for Damage, 2h
13.Breach of contract, 2h
14.Ineffectiveness of contract, 2h
15.Services contract, 2h
Required materialsWhiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Practice courses in real life situations.
Exam literature1. Hans Jonas, The Imperative of Responsibility, The University of Chicago Press
2. Funky Business – Kapital pleše samo s darovitima, Kjell A. Nordström & Jonas Ridderstråle (Differo)
3. Etika u gospodarstvu : (religije, moral, poslovanje) / Tibor Karpati (Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku)
4. Business Ethics: Readings and Cases in Corporate Morality, / W. Michael Hoffman, Robert E Frederick, Mark Schwartz (McGraw-Hill Humanities)
5. http://www.kurzweilai.net/
6. Građansko pravo: Martin Vedriš, Petar Klarić, Narodne novine 2003
7. Stvarno pravo: Nikola Gavella, Tatjana Josipović, Igor Gliha, Vlado Belaj, Zlatan Stipković
Students obligationsmaximum of 3 absences from exercises
Knowledge evaluation during semesterSeminarski rad#1#20#0$Usmena provjera znanja#1#80#0$
Knowledge evaluation after semesterWriting a paper on subject and exam.
Student activities:
(Classes attendance)1
(Written exam)3
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:22663;63931;63932;63933;132265;200529;
+P:2.mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
A:mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
S:mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
Quality Management30+16 (13+0+3+0) (104)5146746NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30214/146746 ECTS 5 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Quality Management
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+16 (13+0+3+0)
Teachers Lectures:2. mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
Auditory exercises:mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
Seminar exercises:mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
Course objectives The goal of the course is to train students for comprehensive quality management within the organization through assessment of process compliance with regulations and norms, identification and resolution of non-compliance, evaluation of process stability and variability, development of quality assurance systems, and continuous process improvement to ensure maximum efficiency and user satisfaction.
Learning outcomes:1.evaluate the compliance of the production process or service with regulations and norms. Level:7
2.propose an appropriate tool for solving non-compliance with regulations and norms. Level:6,7
3.evaluate the stability and variability of the process. Level:7
4.ability to propose the activities which will introduce advancements in the existing processes in an organisation, to increase efficiency and reduce costs. Level:6,7
5.ability to manage the quality system in a chosen model of a work organisation or institution. Level:6,7
6.ability to devise a documented procedure to describe a process in the organisation model. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Guest lecturer
Case studies
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Data mining and knowledge discovery on the Web
Discussion, brainstorming
Interactive problem solving
Methods of carrying out seminarsData mining and knowledge discovery on the Web
Discussion, brainstorming
Student chooses an example to analyse, work on it and present for the group.
Course content lectures1.Introduction to the course, Basic terms in the field of quality assurance and quality control, Legal regulations and systems of norms in the field of quality, 3h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Management of the quality assurance system, Defining requirements and standards, Quality assurance planning, 3h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Implementation of the quality management system according to the ISO 9001 standard, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2
4.Quality in the process of designing a product or service, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2
5.Process quality assurance, Development of quality assurance plans, standard operating procedures and work instructions, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
6.Process quality control, Statistical process control, Measurement of process stability and variability, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
7.Quality in procurement, Control of incoming materials, Qualification of suppliers, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
8.Intermediate and final product control and testing, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5
9.Quality audits, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5
10.Data analysis and feedback, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5
11.Corrective and preventive measures, Management of non-conformities, Continuous improvement, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
12.Documentation management, 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
13.Training and development of employees, 1h, Learning outcomes:5,6
14.no lessons
15.no lessons
Course content auditory1.no lessons
2.no lessons
3.no lessons
4.no lessons
5.no lessons
6.Application of basic quality tools for process improvement, 1h, Learning outcomes:3,4
7.Process development and manufacturing, FMEA analysis, 1h, Learning outcomes:3,4,5
8.Statistical methods in the field of input control, 1h, Learning outcomes:3,4
9.Statistical methods in the field of process control, 1h, Learning outcomes:4,5
10.Statistical methods in the field of final control, 1h, Learning outcomes:3,4
11.Planning and implementation of improvements using the Kaizen method, 1h, Learning outcomes:4,5
12.Lean Six Sigma methodology, 1h, Learning outcomes:3,4
13.certificates in the field of quality, 2h, Learning outcomes:3,4,5
14.Analysis of seminar papers, 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
15.Case study analysis - Quality management model in a hypothetical organization, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
Course content seminars1.No lessons
2.No lessons
3.No lessons
4.No lessons
5.No lessons
6.No lessons
7.No lessons
8.No lessons
9.No lessons
10.No lessons
11.No lessons
12.No lessons
13.No lessons
14.Presentation of seminar papers, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
15.No lessons
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Exam literatureJ.M.Juran, Quality Control Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1989.
Juran, Joseph Moses; Frank M. Gryna. 1993, 1999, Planiranje i analiza kvalitete. MATE d.o.o. Zagreb
E.L.Grant, R.S.Leavenworth, Statistical Quality Control, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988.

Lazibat, Tonči, 2009, Upravljanje kvalitetom, Znanstv. knjiga, Zagreb.
Oslić, Ivica, 2008, Kvaliteta i poslovna izvrsnost, MEP Consult, Zagreb
Štajdohar-Pađen, Olga, 2009, Plivati s ISO-m i ostati živ, Kigen, Zagreb
Students obligationsSubmitted and defended seminar paper and graded with at least 20/40 points
Knowledge evaluation during semester1st midterm exam, at least 15/30 points
2nd midterm exam, at least 15/30 points
Knowledge evaluation after semesterWritten exam, at least 30/60 points

Evaluation - point scale:

50 - 62 = 2
63 - 76 = 3
77 - 89 = 4
90 -100 = 5
Student activities:
(Written exam)4
(Seminar Work)1
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
Proposal made bymr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec (26. 5. 2024.)
+P:1.mr.sc. Branimir Preprotić dipl. inž. stroj.
A: Nino Sipina
S:mr.sc. Branimir Preprotić dipl. inž. stroj.
Project Management30+15 (11+0+4+0) (105)5146747NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30215/146747 ECTS 5 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Project Management
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+15 (11+0+4+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. mr.sc. Branimir Preprotić dipl. inž. stroj.
Auditory exercises: Nino Sipina
Seminar exercises:mr.sc. Branimir Preprotić dipl. inž. stroj.
Course objectives students will master basic elements of business management, production processes and services which can be viewed as projects
Learning outcomes:1.determine the importance of project management for a contemporary organization. Level:7
2.ability to manage the processes of the project integrity, its scope, time, costs, quality, personnel, communications, risks and project procurement . Level:6,7
3.ability to estimate the project risks in the project proposal. Level:6,7
4.ability to organize the project into steps and activities which will contribute to obtain the project goal. Level:6,7
5.ability to standardize required time and resources for carrying out activities using network planning techniques. Level:6,7
6.ability to plan costs for carrying out the project activities. Level:6,7
7.ability to analyze the project proposal through logical matrix. Level:6,7
8.ability to develop readiness for teamwork and cooperation. Level:6,7
9.ability to combine methods and procedures for decision making. Level:6,7
10.ability to estimate the impact of project on the environment. Level:6,7
11.ability to make a proposal for project and project plan in seminar paper. Level:6,7
12.present the project product , methods of keeping and monitoring plan, the expected change after project completion. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
The whole material is presented in lectures illustrated by drawings, tables and graphs to facilitate understanding of the topic. It can be presented on OHP or in Power Point.
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Computer simulations
Problems of each particular topic analysed are solved on the blackboard. After explaining and solving a problem of a topic, students are given a related one to solve it on their own but with assistance of the teacher. Using the BK technique and with assistance of their teacher, students create a smaller project.
Methods of carrying out seminarsGroup problem solving
Course content lectures1.Nature and context of project management, processes and knowledge domains, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Strategy and project management, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
3.Strategy and project management, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
4. Project management and interest and influence groups in project , 2h, Learning outcomes:3
5. Project structure, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
6. Initiating the project plans, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
7. Initiating the project plans, 2h, Learning outcomes:6
8.Preliminary project, 2h, Learning outcomes:6
9.Colloquium, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
10.Planning techniques, 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8
11.Planning techniques, 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8
12.Project implementation, 2h, Learning outcomes:9,10
13.Project implementation, 2h, Learning outcomes:9,10
14.Project closing, 2h, Learning outcomes:11
15.Colloquium, 2h, Learning outcomes:6,7,8,9,10,11,12
Course content auditory1.no class
2.no class
3.no class
4.no class
5.no class
6.Decision making methods, acceptance of differences, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
7.Problem analysis, problem /goal tree, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
8.Goal achievement strategy, logic matrix , 2h, Learning outcomes:6
9.Network planning techniques - tasks , 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8
10.Network planning techniques - tasks , 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8
11.Network planning techniques - tasks , 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8
12.no class
13.no class
14.no class
15.no class
Course content seminars1.no class
2.no class
3.no class
4.no class
5.no class
6.no class
7.no class
8.no class
9.no class
10.no class
11.no class
12.no class
13.no class
14.To logically relate the project elements, inspect logical matrix, present the project idea, 4h, Learning outcomes:11,12
15.no class
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
General purpose computer laboratory
Overhead projector
Operating supplies
Exam literaturePMI:Znanje o upravljanju projektima (vodič kroz PMBOK, 4.izdanje)mate d.o.o., Zagreb 2011.; Nikolić, čala, alić-kostešić: metode u planiranju odjeće,ZS 2010.;Čala,I; i ostali autori: Inženjerski priručnik, dio 4, poglavlja 6. Planiranje i praćenje proizvodnje, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2002.
Vila, A; Štajdl, B; Čala, I; Karabajić, I: Metode planiranja proizvodnje, Informator, Zagreb, 1982.
Vila, A; Leicher, Z: Planiranje proizvodnje i kontrola rokova, Informator, 3. izdanje, Zagreb 1983.
Schroeder, Roger,G: Upravljanje proizvodnjom, Mate, Zagreb, 1999.
Bilješke koje nastavnik priprema za nastavu
Čala, I: «Stupnjevito planiranje», izlaganje na savjetovanju «Upravljanje proizvodnjom», CDI Zagreb, Briuni, 1989.
Dilworth,J.B.: Operations Management, Mc Grow Hill, inc., New York, 1995.
Schonberger,R.J., Knod, M.E.: Operations Management, Irwin, 1994.
Majstorović, V.: «Upravljanje Proizvodnjom i projektima» (Production and Project Management), Nakladnici Sveučilište u Mostaru i DAAAM International Vienna, Mostar-Wien 2001.
Students obligationssubmitted seminar paper, regular lecture attendance
Knowledge evaluation during semesterRedovitost pohađanja#2#0#0$Kolokvij, numerički zadaci#1#33#60$Kolokvij, teorijska pitanja#1#33#60$Seminarski rad#1#34#60$
1. colloquium min 30, max 50
2. colloquium min 30, max 50
Knowledge evaluation after semester• written and oral exam
points evaluation
0 0
89 1
90 2
106 3
121 4
136 5
Student activities:
(Constantly tested knowledge)2
(Seminar Work)1
(Written exam)2
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:22658;63916;63917;63918;161640;
+P:1.dr. sc. Sanja Morić predavačica
A:dr. sc. Sanja Morić predavačica
The Protection of the Environment and the Quality of Life30+15 (15+0+0+0) (75)4146753NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30220/146753 ECTS 4 Academic year 2024/2025
Name The Protection of the Environment and the Quality of Life
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+15 (15+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. dr. sc. Sanja Morić predavačica
Auditory exercises:dr. sc. Sanja Morić predavačica
Course objectives Understanding the interdependence of quality of life and environmental protection by applying a project approach in teaching
Learning outcomes:1.to determine the terms and trends in environmental protection. Level:6,7
2.to compare the ways of protection of the environment in the protected areas and the other areas of the republic of Croatia. Level:6,7
3.to analyze the impact of the environment on the quality of life of the individual (society). Level:6
4.to distinguish a traditional and contemporary (sustainable) environmental development. Level:6
5.to relate the importance of protecting the environment and its components in achieving (higher) quality of life. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Guest lecturer
Case studies
Questions and answers
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Data mining and knowledge discovery on the Web
Discussion, brainstorming
Course content lectures1.Introduction to the course and obligations, 3h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Form of writing a seminar paper, 4h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Sustainable development and quality of life, 5h, Learning outcomes:2,3,4
4.Urbanization and climate change, 5h, Learning outcomes:4,5
5.Industry – Agriculture - Environment, 5h, Learning outcomes:4,5
6.Guest lecturer - Environment and health, 3h, Learning outcomes:3,5
7.Green projects and innovations, 5h, Learning outcomes:3
8.No classes
9.No classes
10.No classes
11.No classes
12.No classes
13.No classes
14.No classes
15.No classes
Course content auditory1.No exercises
2.Selection of the topic of the seminar paper, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.No exercises
4.No exercises
5.No exercises
6.No exercises
7.No exercises
8.Workshop 1 - writing a seminar paper, 4h, Learning outcomes:2,3
9.Workshop 2 - writing a seminar paper, 4h, Learning outcomes:4,5
10.Presentation of seminar paper, 5h, Learning outcomes:5
11.No exercises
12.No exercises
13.No exercises
14.No exercises
15.No exercises
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Operating supplies
papers (A0, A4, post it), marker pens etc.
Exam literatureMaterijali s predavanja
Dopunska literatura:
1. Nacionalna razvojna strategija Republike Hrvatske do 2030. godine
2. Zakon o zaštiti okoliša nn 80/13
3. Zakon o zaštiti prirode nn 80/13
4. 52 koraka prema zelenijem gradu, Europska komisija, Opća uprava za okoliš, Luxembourg, Ured za publikacije EU, 2018
5. Biološka raznolikost Hrvatske, ur: Jasminka Radović, Kristijan Čivić, Ramona Topić, Vida Posavec Vukelić, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode Ministarstvo kulture RH, Zagreb 2009.
6. Crvena knjiga vaskularne flore RH, Kategorije EX, RE, CR, EN i VU, ur: Toni Nikolić i Jasenka Topić i Ministarstvo kulture, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, RH, 2005.
7. Small-scale aquaponic food production – Integrated fish and plant farming, FAO Fisheries and aquaculture technical paper 589, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 2014.
Students obligationsClass attendance - as measured through minimal presence checks at 70%
Knowledge evaluation during semesterCheck points of seminar paper execution at exercise
Knowledge evaluation after semesterSeminar paper
Student activities:
(Classes attendance)2
(Activity in class)1
(Seminar Work)1
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
Proposal made bydr. sc. Sanja Morić, lecturer

Elective courses 0- ECTS)

DetailsTeachersCourseMode L+(A+L+S+C) (H)EctsCodeAvailable in Eng. language
+P:1. Dinko Horvat struč.spec.ing.techn.inf.
P:2.dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec.
A: Dinko Horvat struč.spec.ing.techn.inf.
Digital economy30+15 (15+0+0+0) (75)4146744NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30212/146744 ECTS 4 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Digital economy
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+15 (15+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. Dinko Horvat struč.spec.ing.techn.inf.
Lectures:2. dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec.
Auditory exercises: Dinko Horvat struč.spec.ing.techn.inf.
Course objectives The aim of the course is to introduce students with the development of digital economy in the platform economy model
Learning outcomes:1.Compare old and new factors that determine economic development in the platform economy. Level:6,7
2.Formulate the underlying concepts associated with the development of the platform economy. Level:6,7
3.Formulate the underlying factors that determine the difference between the classic linear and circular model of production. Level:6,7
4.Assess the underlying factors that affect the economic trends in the post-industrial society. Level:6,7
5.Compare old and new factors that determine economic development in the platform economy. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
Questions and answers
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesTraditional literature analysis
Essay writing
Discussion, brainstorming
Course content lectures1.Defining the business model of the platform economy, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Defining changes within the industry under the influence of the platform economy, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.The process of transforming a classic linear business into a platform model. Platform model, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
4.Capitalization of a company from a platform model. The value of brands from the platform economy model, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
5.Colloquium, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
6.The platform strategy is not a software strategy. Historical Review of Strategies, 2h, Learning outcomes:3
7.Linear business model. A platform-based business model, 2h, Learning outcomes:3
8.Platforms change industrial environments, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
9.Architecture platform. Network effect, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
10.Colloquium, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
11.Platform launch models, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
12.Metrics on platforms, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
13.Management Platform Strategies, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
14.Monetization on platforms, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
15.Colloquium, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
Course content auditory1.Explain and put into context the development of economic systems through history, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Explain the basics of the development of different models of the economy of the platform, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Determining key management strategies in the process of transforming classical linear business into a platform economy model, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
4.Determining the key factors that have affected the change of business paradigm, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
5.Determining Key Factors Affecting the Value of Brands in Platform Economics, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
6.Determining Key Factors Affecting Managerial Processes Managing the , 2h, Learning outcomes:3
7.Evaluate and analyze the underlying factors that affect the architecture of the platform, 2h, Learning outcomes:3
8.Evaluate and analyze the underlying factors that affect building network effect, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
9.Evaluate and identify the underlying factors that affect platform launch strategies, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
10.Evaluate and Identify Fundamental Factors Determining the Power of Network Effect After Launching Platforms, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
11.Evaluate the underlying metric factors in the different phase metrics on platforms, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
12.Evaluate the underlying factors in the growth and maturity of the platform, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
13.Evaluate the underlying factors in the growth and maturity of the platformi , 2h, Learning outcomes:5
14.Evaluate the underlying factors of ecosystem development as a management strategy, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
15.Determining the underlying factors that affect the monetization method on the platform, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Exam literatureObvezatna literatura:
1. Parker, G.G.; Van Alstyne, M.W.; Choudary, S.P. (2016) Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets are Transforming the Economy and How to Make Them Work for You, W.W. Norton & Company Ltd.
2.Tapscott, D.,The Digital Economy Anniversary Edition: rethinking promise and peril in the age of networked intelligence,McGrow-Hill Education,978-0-07-183555-8,2015

Neobvezatna literatura:
1. Moazed, A.; Johnson, N.L. (2016) Modern Monopolies – What it takes to Dominate the 21st Century Economy, Applico, LLC
Students obligationsAttendance at lectures; seminar work
Knowledge evaluation during semesterColloquium I and II
Knowledge evaluation after semesterWritten exam
Student activities:
(Written exam)2
(Seminar Work)2
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
Proposal made byPhD Sanja Bračun
+P:1.dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec.
A:dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec.
Asset Management30+15 (15+0+0+0) (75)4146748NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30216/146748 ECTS 4 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Asset Management
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+15 (15+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec.
Auditory exercises:dr. sc. Sanja Bračun dipl.oec.
Course objectives As part of this course, students will understand that Asset management is not a separate business process that is carried out only in large companies, but a set of integrated information systems of any company that requires constant improvements. Students will be able to distinguish between tangible and intangible assets, describe the procurement process supported by the Supply Chain Management system, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of implementing internal and external Asset maintenance processes. At the same time, they will get an insight into all planning and investment processes in company supported by the Enterprise Resources Planning system and importance of human resources care supported by the Human Resources Management system. In that way, students will focus on critical thinking about each individual process of all assets forms managing, which will enable them to independently make the proposals for improving any of individual information subsystems as a unique integrated Asset management system within the company where they will be employed.
Learning outcomes:1.Assess the role and place of Asset management within the business system. Level:6,7
2.Link the processes of market analysis, planning, and successful Asset management . Level:6,7
3.Evaluate indicators of a Key performance indicators of Asset management during a whole lifecycle. Level:6,7
4.Select a suggestion option for improving a particular Asset management process. Level:7
5.Defend the position of the most commonly used ICT tools for Asset management . Level:7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Guest lecturer
Case studies
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
Lectures are presented as combination of the theoretical frame with large number of Asset management practical cases within the electrotechnical field. On that way students are motivated to express their critical positive or negative opinion.
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Discussion, brainstorming
During the auditory exercises, students are prepared for independent writing of a seminar paper in which they not only analyze, but also give suggestions for improving the Asset management process in the company where they are employed or which they know well. In doing so, they use the knowledge gained from Asset Management field during the lectures, with continuous teacher guidance through discussion and brainstorming during the exercises.
Course content lectures1.No lessons
2.No lessons
3.No lessons
4.No lessons
5.No lessons
6.No lessons
7.No lessons
8.Introductory lecture, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
9.Types of enterprise assets and their strategic management , 4h, Learning outcomes:1
10.Asset management implementation and their Life cycle monitoring , 4h, Learning outcomes:2
11.Property usage and maintenance, 4h, Learning outcomes:2
12.Metrics, standards and Asset management KPI's monitoring , 4h, Learning outcomes:3
13.Market analysis, segmentation and marketing processes as a tools for successful Asset management, 4h, Learning outcomes:4
14.Available data within the integrated information system for Asset management and investment study, 4h, Learning outcomes:4
15.Integrated Asset management systems and their reliability , 4h, Learning outcomes:5
Course content auditory1.No exercise
2.No exercise
3.No exercise
4.No exercise
5.No exercise
6.No exercise
7.No exercise
8.No exercise
9.Process of Asset Management Planning, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2
10.Practical application of Market analysis , 4h, Learning outcomes:2,3
11.Faults and damage monitoring of Fixed assets during their life cycle , 4h, Learning outcomes:4
12.Program support and Risk management methods of integrated Asset management systems, 4h, Learning outcomes:4
13.No exercise
14.No exercise
15.No exercise
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
General purpose computer laboratory
Overhead projector
Elementary: lecture room with projector.
Exam literatureObavezna literatura:
1. dr. sc. Sanja Bračun (2024.), Aktualne elektroničke mape nastavnika pripremljene za predavanja dostupne na LMS sustavu, https://lms-2020.tvz.hr/course/view.php?id=712
2. prof. dr. sc. Ivo Čala i ostali, (2016.), Održavanje i gospodarenje imovinom, Hrvatsko društvo održavatelja, Zagreb.

Preporučena literatura:
1. Juan Pablo Usuga Cadavid, (2020.), Machine learning applied in production planning and control: a stateoftheart in the era of industry 4.0, Springer.
2. G. Cheng, (2020.), Joint optimization of production, quality control and maintenance for serial-parallel multistage production systems, ScienceDirect.
3. O. Kaganova, (2020.), An Asset Management Approach to Planning, Funding, and Managing Public Spaces, dostupan na: https://doi.org/10.1596/978-1-4648-1449-5_ch3
4. M. Stride, (2019.), The use of building information modelling by quantity surveyors in facilities management roles, dostupan na: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/ECAM-11-2019-0660/full/html
Students obligations50% of attendance on lessons and exercises
Knowledge evaluation during semesterDesign, presentation and defence student’s seminar work
Knowledge evaluation after semesterAfter defence of student’s seminar work, the student applies for oral exam.
Student activities:
(Oral exam)2
(Seminar Work)2
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
Proposal made bydr .sc. Sanja Bračun
+P:1.dr.sc. Ljiljana Matuško Antonić dipl.iur.
P:2. Goran Vujisić v. pred.
A:dr.sc. Ljiljana Matuško Antonić dipl.iur.
Bussiness Ethics and Law30+15 (15+0+0+0) (75)4146750NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30218/146750 ECTS 4 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Bussiness Ethics and Law
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+15 (15+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. dr.sc. Ljiljana Matuško Antonić dipl.iur.
Lectures:2. Goran Vujisić v. pred.
Auditory exercises:dr.sc. Ljiljana Matuško Antonić dipl.iur.
Course objectives Introduce students to the interest group management theory and teach them about basic notions of civil law.
Learning outcomes:1.application of EU law. Level:6,7
2.development of ethical approaches in interpersonal relations. Level:6,7
3.negotiation in legal relations. Level:6,7
4.conclusion of basic contracts. Level:6,7
5.ethical and business approach to work. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesCase studies
Questions and answers
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
Interactive lessons.
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Discussion, brainstorming
Practice courses in real life situations.
Course content lectures1.Introduction to Civil Law, 2h
2.Principles of Civil Law, 2h
3.The subjects and objects of civil right, 2h
4.Introduction to the law of obligations, 2h
5.Subjects civil obligations relations, 2h
6.Objects civil obligations relations, 2h
7.Reinforcement of civil obligations relations, 2h
8.The sales contract, Services contract, 2h
9.Construction contract, 2h
10.Loan Agreement, 2h
11.The agency agreement, 2h
12.Termination of an obligation relations, 2h
13.Introduction to business ethics, principles, 2h
14.Convention on Human Rights, 2h
15.The right to freedom of speech, work, family life, 2h
Course content auditory1.Protection of private life, 2h
2.The responsibilities of the contractor, 2h
3.The banking secret, 2h
4.The right buyer, 2h
5.Relatively be invalid contracts, 2h
6.Legal actions for determining ownership, 2h
7.Odgovornost za nedostatke stvari, 2h
8.The sales contract, 2h
9.Construction contract, 2h
10.Loan Agreement, 2h
11.The agency agreement, 2h
12.Liability for Damage, 2h
13.Breach of contract, 2h
14.Ineffectiveness of contract, 2h
15.Services contract, 2h
Required materialsWhiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Practice courses in real life situations.
Exam literature1. Hans Jonas, The Imperative of Responsibility, The University of Chicago Press
2. Funky Business – Kapital pleše samo s darovitima, Kjell A. Nordström & Jonas Ridderstråle (Differo)
3. Etika u gospodarstvu : (religije, moral, poslovanje) / Tibor Karpati (Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku)
4. Business Ethics: Readings and Cases in Corporate Morality, / W. Michael Hoffman, Robert E Frederick, Mark Schwartz (McGraw-Hill Humanities)
5. http://www.kurzweilai.net/
6. Građansko pravo: Martin Vedriš, Petar Klarić, Narodne novine 2003
7. Stvarno pravo: Nikola Gavella, Tatjana Josipović, Igor Gliha, Vlado Belaj, Zlatan Stipković
Students obligationsmaximum of 3 absences from exercises
Knowledge evaluation during semesterSeminarski rad#1#20#0$Usmena provjera znanja#1#80#0$
Knowledge evaluation after semesterWriting a paper on subject and exam.
Student activities:
(Classes attendance)1
(Written exam)3
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:22663;63931;63932;63933;132265;200529;
+P:2.mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
A:mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
S:mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
Quality Management30+16 (13+0+3+0) (104)5146746NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30214/146746 ECTS 5 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Quality Management
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+16 (13+0+3+0)
Teachers Lectures:2. mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
Auditory exercises:mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
Seminar exercises:mr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec dipl. ing. el, predavač
Course objectives The goal of the course is to train students for comprehensive quality management within the organization through assessment of process compliance with regulations and norms, identification and resolution of non-compliance, evaluation of process stability and variability, development of quality assurance systems, and continuous process improvement to ensure maximum efficiency and user satisfaction.
Learning outcomes:1.evaluate the compliance of the production process or service with regulations and norms. Level:7
2.propose an appropriate tool for solving non-compliance with regulations and norms. Level:6,7
3.evaluate the stability and variability of the process. Level:7
4.ability to propose the activities which will introduce advancements in the existing processes in an organisation, to increase efficiency and reduce costs. Level:6,7
5.ability to manage the quality system in a chosen model of a work organisation or institution. Level:6,7
6.ability to devise a documented procedure to describe a process in the organisation model. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Guest lecturer
Case studies
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Data mining and knowledge discovery on the Web
Discussion, brainstorming
Interactive problem solving
Methods of carrying out seminarsData mining and knowledge discovery on the Web
Discussion, brainstorming
Student chooses an example to analyse, work on it and present for the group.
Course content lectures1.Introduction to the course, Basic terms in the field of quality assurance and quality control, Legal regulations and systems of norms in the field of quality, 3h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Management of the quality assurance system, Defining requirements and standards, Quality assurance planning, 3h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Implementation of the quality management system according to the ISO 9001 standard, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2
4.Quality in the process of designing a product or service, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2
5.Process quality assurance, Development of quality assurance plans, standard operating procedures and work instructions, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
6.Process quality control, Statistical process control, Measurement of process stability and variability, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
7.Quality in procurement, Control of incoming materials, Qualification of suppliers, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
8.Intermediate and final product control and testing, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5
9.Quality audits, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5
10.Data analysis and feedback, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5
11.Corrective and preventive measures, Management of non-conformities, Continuous improvement, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
12.Documentation management, 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
13.Training and development of employees, 1h, Learning outcomes:5,6
14.no lessons
15.no lessons
Course content auditory1.no lessons
2.no lessons
3.no lessons
4.no lessons
5.no lessons
6.Application of basic quality tools for process improvement, 1h, Learning outcomes:3,4
7.Process development and manufacturing, FMEA analysis, 1h, Learning outcomes:3,4,5
8.Statistical methods in the field of input control, 1h, Learning outcomes:3,4
9.Statistical methods in the field of process control, 1h, Learning outcomes:4,5
10.Statistical methods in the field of final control, 1h, Learning outcomes:3,4
11.Planning and implementation of improvements using the Kaizen method, 1h, Learning outcomes:4,5
12.Lean Six Sigma methodology, 1h, Learning outcomes:3,4
13.certificates in the field of quality, 2h, Learning outcomes:3,4,5
14.Analysis of seminar papers, 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
15.Case study analysis - Quality management model in a hypothetical organization, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
Course content seminars1.No lessons
2.No lessons
3.No lessons
4.No lessons
5.No lessons
6.No lessons
7.No lessons
8.No lessons
9.No lessons
10.No lessons
11.No lessons
12.No lessons
13.No lessons
14.Presentation of seminar papers, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
15.No lessons
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Exam literatureJ.M.Juran, Quality Control Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1989.
Juran, Joseph Moses; Frank M. Gryna. 1993, 1999, Planiranje i analiza kvalitete. MATE d.o.o. Zagreb
E.L.Grant, R.S.Leavenworth, Statistical Quality Control, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1988.

Lazibat, Tonči, 2009, Upravljanje kvalitetom, Znanstv. knjiga, Zagreb.
Oslić, Ivica, 2008, Kvaliteta i poslovna izvrsnost, MEP Consult, Zagreb
Štajdohar-Pađen, Olga, 2009, Plivati s ISO-m i ostati živ, Kigen, Zagreb
Students obligationsSubmitted and defended seminar paper and graded with at least 20/40 points
Knowledge evaluation during semester1st midterm exam, at least 15/30 points
2nd midterm exam, at least 15/30 points
Knowledge evaluation after semesterWritten exam, at least 30/60 points

Evaluation - point scale:

50 - 62 = 2
63 - 76 = 3
77 - 89 = 4
90 -100 = 5
Student activities:
(Written exam)4
(Seminar Work)1
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
Proposal made bymr. sc. Andrea Bednjanec (26. 5. 2024.)
+P:1.mr.sc. Branimir Preprotić dipl. inž. stroj.
A: Nino Sipina
S:mr.sc. Branimir Preprotić dipl. inž. stroj.
Project Management30+15 (11+0+4+0) (105)5146747NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30215/146747 ECTS 5 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Project Management
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+15 (11+0+4+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. mr.sc. Branimir Preprotić dipl. inž. stroj.
Auditory exercises: Nino Sipina
Seminar exercises:mr.sc. Branimir Preprotić dipl. inž. stroj.
Course objectives students will master basic elements of business management, production processes and services which can be viewed as projects
Learning outcomes:1.determine the importance of project management for a contemporary organization. Level:7
2.ability to manage the processes of the project integrity, its scope, time, costs, quality, personnel, communications, risks and project procurement . Level:6,7
3.ability to estimate the project risks in the project proposal. Level:6,7
4.ability to organize the project into steps and activities which will contribute to obtain the project goal. Level:6,7
5.ability to standardize required time and resources for carrying out activities using network planning techniques. Level:6,7
6.ability to plan costs for carrying out the project activities. Level:6,7
7.ability to analyze the project proposal through logical matrix. Level:6,7
8.ability to develop readiness for teamwork and cooperation. Level:6,7
9.ability to combine methods and procedures for decision making. Level:6,7
10.ability to estimate the impact of project on the environment. Level:6,7
11.ability to make a proposal for project and project plan in seminar paper. Level:6,7
12.present the project product , methods of keeping and monitoring plan, the expected change after project completion. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
The whole material is presented in lectures illustrated by drawings, tables and graphs to facilitate understanding of the topic. It can be presented on OHP or in Power Point.
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Computer simulations
Problems of each particular topic analysed are solved on the blackboard. After explaining and solving a problem of a topic, students are given a related one to solve it on their own but with assistance of the teacher. Using the BK technique and with assistance of their teacher, students create a smaller project.
Methods of carrying out seminarsGroup problem solving
Course content lectures1.Nature and context of project management, processes and knowledge domains, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Strategy and project management, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
3.Strategy and project management, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
4. Project management and interest and influence groups in project , 2h, Learning outcomes:3
5. Project structure, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
6. Initiating the project plans, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
7. Initiating the project plans, 2h, Learning outcomes:6
8.Preliminary project, 2h, Learning outcomes:6
9.Colloquium, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
10.Planning techniques, 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8
11.Planning techniques, 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8
12.Project implementation, 2h, Learning outcomes:9,10
13.Project implementation, 2h, Learning outcomes:9,10
14.Project closing, 2h, Learning outcomes:11
15.Colloquium, 2h, Learning outcomes:6,7,8,9,10,11,12
Course content auditory1.no class
2.no class
3.no class
4.no class
5.no class
6.Decision making methods, acceptance of differences, 2h, Learning outcomes:4
7.Problem analysis, problem /goal tree, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
8.Goal achievement strategy, logic matrix , 2h, Learning outcomes:6
9.Network planning techniques - tasks , 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8
10.Network planning techniques - tasks , 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8
11.Network planning techniques - tasks , 2h, Learning outcomes:7,8
12.no class
13.no class
14.no class
15.no class
Course content seminars1.no class
2.no class
3.no class
4.no class
5.no class
6.no class
7.no class
8.no class
9.no class
10.no class
11.no class
12.no class
13.no class
14.To logically relate the project elements, inspect logical matrix, present the project idea, 4h, Learning outcomes:11,12
15.no class
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
General purpose computer laboratory
Overhead projector
Operating supplies
Exam literaturePMI:Znanje o upravljanju projektima (vodič kroz PMBOK, 4.izdanje)mate d.o.o., Zagreb 2011.; Nikolić, čala, alić-kostešić: metode u planiranju odjeće,ZS 2010.;Čala,I; i ostali autori: Inženjerski priručnik, dio 4, poglavlja 6. Planiranje i praćenje proizvodnje, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2002.
Vila, A; Štajdl, B; Čala, I; Karabajić, I: Metode planiranja proizvodnje, Informator, Zagreb, 1982.
Vila, A; Leicher, Z: Planiranje proizvodnje i kontrola rokova, Informator, 3. izdanje, Zagreb 1983.
Schroeder, Roger,G: Upravljanje proizvodnjom, Mate, Zagreb, 1999.
Bilješke koje nastavnik priprema za nastavu
Čala, I: «Stupnjevito planiranje», izlaganje na savjetovanju «Upravljanje proizvodnjom», CDI Zagreb, Briuni, 1989.
Dilworth,J.B.: Operations Management, Mc Grow Hill, inc., New York, 1995.
Schonberger,R.J., Knod, M.E.: Operations Management, Irwin, 1994.
Majstorović, V.: «Upravljanje Proizvodnjom i projektima» (Production and Project Management), Nakladnici Sveučilište u Mostaru i DAAAM International Vienna, Mostar-Wien 2001.
Students obligationssubmitted seminar paper, regular lecture attendance
Knowledge evaluation during semesterRedovitost pohađanja#2#0#0$Kolokvij, numerički zadaci#1#33#60$Kolokvij, teorijska pitanja#1#33#60$Seminarski rad#1#34#60$
1. colloquium min 30, max 50
2. colloquium min 30, max 50
Knowledge evaluation after semester• written and oral exam
points evaluation
0 0
89 1
90 2
106 3
121 4
136 5
Student activities:
(Constantly tested knowledge)2
(Seminar Work)1
(Written exam)2
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:22658;63916;63917;63918;161640;
+P:1.dr. sc. Sanja Morić predavačica
A:dr. sc. Sanja Morić predavačica
The Protection of the Environment and the Quality of Life30+15 (15+0+0+0) (75)4146753NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30220/146753 ECTS 4 Academic year 2024/2025
Name The Protection of the Environment and the Quality of Life
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+15 (15+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. dr. sc. Sanja Morić predavačica
Auditory exercises:dr. sc. Sanja Morić predavačica
Course objectives Understanding the interdependence of quality of life and environmental protection by applying a project approach in teaching
Learning outcomes:1.to determine the terms and trends in environmental protection. Level:6,7
2.to compare the ways of protection of the environment in the protected areas and the other areas of the republic of Croatia. Level:6,7
3.to analyze the impact of the environment on the quality of life of the individual (society). Level:6
4.to distinguish a traditional and contemporary (sustainable) environmental development. Level:6
5.to relate the importance of protecting the environment and its components in achieving (higher) quality of life. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Guest lecturer
Case studies
Questions and answers
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Data mining and knowledge discovery on the Web
Discussion, brainstorming
Course content lectures1.Introduction to the course and obligations, 3h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Form of writing a seminar paper, 4h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Sustainable development and quality of life, 5h, Learning outcomes:2,3,4
4.Urbanization and climate change, 5h, Learning outcomes:4,5
5.Industry – Agriculture - Environment, 5h, Learning outcomes:4,5
6.Guest lecturer - Environment and health, 3h, Learning outcomes:3,5
7.Green projects and innovations, 5h, Learning outcomes:3
8.No classes
9.No classes
10.No classes
11.No classes
12.No classes
13.No classes
14.No classes
15.No classes
Course content auditory1.No exercises
2.Selection of the topic of the seminar paper, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.No exercises
4.No exercises
5.No exercises
6.No exercises
7.No exercises
8.Workshop 1 - writing a seminar paper, 4h, Learning outcomes:2,3
9.Workshop 2 - writing a seminar paper, 4h, Learning outcomes:4,5
10.Presentation of seminar paper, 5h, Learning outcomes:5
11.No exercises
12.No exercises
13.No exercises
14.No exercises
15.No exercises
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Operating supplies
papers (A0, A4, post it), marker pens etc.
Exam literatureMaterijali s predavanja
Dopunska literatura:
1. Nacionalna razvojna strategija Republike Hrvatske do 2030. godine
2. Zakon o zaštiti okoliša nn 80/13
3. Zakon o zaštiti prirode nn 80/13
4. 52 koraka prema zelenijem gradu, Europska komisija, Opća uprava za okoliš, Luxembourg, Ured za publikacije EU, 2018
5. Biološka raznolikost Hrvatske, ur: Jasminka Radović, Kristijan Čivić, Ramona Topić, Vida Posavec Vukelić, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode Ministarstvo kulture RH, Zagreb 2009.
6. Crvena knjiga vaskularne flore RH, Kategorije EX, RE, CR, EN i VU, ur: Toni Nikolić i Jasenka Topić i Ministarstvo kulture, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, RH, 2005.
7. Small-scale aquaponic food production – Integrated fish and plant farming, FAO Fisheries and aquaculture technical paper 589, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 2014.
Students obligationsClass attendance - as measured through minimal presence checks at 70%
Knowledge evaluation during semesterCheck points of seminar paper execution at exercise
Knowledge evaluation after semesterSeminar paper
Student activities:
(Classes attendance)2
(Activity in class)1
(Seminar Work)1
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
Proposal made bydr. sc. Sanja Morić, lecturer

Elective courses 0- ECTS)

DetailsTeachersCourseMode L+(A+L+S+C) (H)EctsCodeAvailable in Eng. language
+P:1. Tomislav Đuran , dipl. ing.
P:2. Stjepan Tvorić
A: Tomislav Đuran , dipl. ing.
A: Stjepan Tvorić
Electric energy conversions45+15 (15+0+0+0) (90)5146745YES
Code WEB/ISVU 30213/146745 ECTS 5 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Electric energy conversions
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
45+15 (15+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. Tomislav Đuran , dipl. ing.
Lectures:2. Stjepan Tvorić
Auditory exercises: Tomislav Đuran , dipl. ing.
Auditory exercises: Stjepan Tvorić
Course objectives students will acquire knowledge in the field of energy conversion and power converters
Learning outcomes:1.To classificate dc converters and rectifiers depending on source and load types. Level:6,7
2.To chose appropriate dc converter for specific purpose. Level:7
3.To chose appropriate rectifier for specific purpose. Level:7
4.To compare transformer models depending on transformer's function in electrical circuit. Level:6,7
5.To classificate electrical machines depending on their structure and purpose. Level:6,7
6.To confirm energy conservation law in transformers, power converters and electrical machines. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Questions and answers
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Discussion, brainstorming
Analysis of typical examples
Course content lectures1.Electrical component and network properties. Energy, power, effective and average value, time-invariant and time-varying components and networks., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,6
2.Electrical component and network properties. Linearity and nonlinearity, activity and passivity, electrical energy storage., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,6
3.Electrical component and network properties. Controllable and uncontrollable semiconductor switches. Commutation., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,6
4.First and second order electrical circuits. Zero-input and zero-state responses. Energy considerations., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,6
5.Periodical steady-state. Sinusoidal and nonsinusoidal steady-state. Three-phase system., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,3,6
6.Transformer. Ideal and real transformer., 3h, Learning outcomes:3,4,6
7.Transformer. Use of transformers in transmission and distribution of electrical energy. Power converters., 3h, Learning outcomes:3,4,6
8.Buck, boost and flyback DC converters., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,6
9.Four-quadrant DC converter. Rectifiers. Rectifiers with inductive and capacitive load., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,6
10.Rectifiers with inductive and capacitive load. ACDC converter inverter mode of operation. Voltage inverter., 3h, Learning outcomes:3,6
11.Electrical machines. DC machines., 3h, Learning outcomes:2,5,6
12.Synchronous machines., 3h, Learning outcomes:2,5,6
13.Asynchronous machines., 3h, Learning outcomes:2,5,6
14.Asynchronous machines., 3h, Learning outcomes:5,6
15.Asynchronous machines., 3h, Learning outcomes:5,6
Course content auditory1.Electrical component and network properties., 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,6
2.Commutation., 1h, Learning outcomes:2,3,6
3.First and second order electrical circuits., 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,6
4.Phasor calculus., 1h, Learning outcomes:6
5.Transformer. Ideal and real transformer., 1h, Learning outcomes:4,6
6.Buck, boost, flyback and four-quadrant DC converters., 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,6
7.Buck, boost, flyback and four-quadrant DC converters., 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,6
8.Rectifiers with inductive and capacitive load., 1h, Learning outcomes:3,6
9.Rectifiers with inductive and capacitive load., 1h, Learning outcomes:3,6
10.Voltage inverter., 1h, Learning outcomes:6
11.DC machines., 1h, Learning outcomes:2,5,6
12.Synchronous machines., 1h, Learning outcomes:2,5,6
13.Asynchronous machines., 1h, Learning outcomes:5,6
14.Asynchronous machines., 1h, Learning outcomes:5,6
15.Asynchronous machines., 1h, Learning outcomes:5,6
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Exam literatureI.Flegar, Elektronički energetski pretvarači, Kigen, Zagreb, 2010
V.Mikuličić, Z.Šimić, Energijske tehnologije FER, Zagreb 2011.
L.M. Piotrovskij, Električki strojevi, Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb, 1974.

T. Kelemen, Transformatori, Tehnička enciklopedija, knjiga 13, Leksikografski zavod "Miroslav Krleža", Zagreb, str. 148-168, 1997.
Students obligations80% of class attendance.
Knowledge evaluation during semesterKolokvij, numerički zadaci#3#75#0$Kolokvij, teorijska pitanja#3#25#0$
Knowledge evaluation after semesterWritten exam - 50%.
Oral exam - 50%.
Student activities:
(Written exam)5
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:95597;
Proposal made byŽeljko Stojanović
+P:1.mr.sc. Davor Gadže d. i. e., v. pred.
P:2.dr. sc. Tomislav Špoljarić d. i. e., prof. struč. stud.
P: Dorian Jelečki , mag.ing.el., pred.
K:mr.sc. Davor Gadže d. i. e., v. pred.
K: Dorian Jelečki , mag.ing.el., pred.
K: Mario Ličanin
K:dr. sc. Tomislav Špoljarić d. i. e., prof. struč. stud.
K: Branimir Vuletić-Komljen
Design and construction of power plants30+30 (0+0+0+30) (120)6146767NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30228/146767 ECTS 6 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Design and construction of power plants
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (0+0+0+30)
Teachers Lectures:1. mr.sc. Davor Gadže d. i. e., v. pred.
Lectures:2. dr. sc. Tomislav Špoljarić d. i. e., prof. struč. stud.
Lectures: Dorian Jelečki , mag.ing.el., pred.
Construction exercises:mr.sc. Davor Gadže d. i. e., v. pred.
Construction exercises: Dorian Jelečki , mag.ing.el., pred.
Construction exercises: Mario Ličanin
Construction exercises:dr. sc. Tomislav Špoljarić d. i. e., prof. struč. stud.
Construction exercises: Branimir Vuletić Komljen
Course objectives students will acquire knowledge of establishing, designing and constructing electric power plant
Learning outcomes:1.ability to determine the energy requirements of electric power plant. Level:7
2.ability to select the elements of protection against overload inelectric power plant. Level:7
3.ability to select the elements of protection against indirect contact in electric power plant. Level:7
4.ability to design a scheme of the electric power plant control. Level:6,7
5.ability to write project documentation of electric power plant. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Questions and answers
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
Course content lectures1.Industrial plant - material, energy and information flow., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Engineering approach to analysis and synthesis of the plant., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Laws, regulations and standards in design (IEC, ISO, HRN)., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
4.Stages of plant construction: project, installation, commissioning and operating., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
5.Tehnička dokumentacija za pojedine faze., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
6.Energy requirements, power supply and quality., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
7.Reactive power control. High harmonic sources and filtering., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
8.Protection of staff and equipment in the plant., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,5
9.Protection against voltage shock., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,5
10.Earthing and potential equalizing., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,5
11.Protection against short circuits., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5
12.Protection against overload., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5
13.Safety working conditions: mechanical protection., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
14.Safety working conditions: cooling., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
15.Plant testing and commissioning , 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
Course content constructures1.no classes, 2h
2.no classes, 2h
3.no classes, 2h
4.no classes, 2h
5.no classes, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,4,5
6.Organization of project documentation, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,4,5
7.Organization of project documentation, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,4,5
8.forms, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
9.the installation site, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
10.marking, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
11.symbols, 3h, Learning outcomes:2,3,4,5
12.wires, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
13.cables, 3h, Learning outcomes:2,3,4,5
14.layout of equipment, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
15.reporting, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
Required materialsGeneral purpose computer laboratory
Special equipment
Exam literature1. A. D. Wilkoks: Engineering design for Electrical Engineers, Prentice Hall. 1990.
2 Electrical installation guide – According to IEC Standards 2010; Schneider Electric SAS, Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France.
2. Westermannov elektrotehnički priručnik; Školska knjiga, Zagreb 1991.
3 Tehnički priručnik; Končar elektroindustrija dd Zagreb, 1991.
4. EPLAN, CADdy, WsCAD – upute za korištenje
Students obligationsclasses pressence
Knowledge evaluation during semesterpressence 10
seminar 40
oral exam 50
Knowledge evaluation after semesterseminar 40
oral exam 60
Student activities:
(Constantly tested knowledge)6
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:22614;
Proposal made byMr. sc. Davor Gadže, viši predavač
+P:1.dr.sc. Davor Petranović prof. struč. stud.
P:2.dipl.ing.el. Vladimir Šimović
L: Luka Lažeta
L:dr.sc. Davor Petranović prof. struč. stud.
L:dipl.ing.el. Vladimir Šimović
Lighting and Installations30+30 (0+30+0+0) (120)6146774YES
Code WEB/ISVU 30234/146774 ECTS 6 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Lighting and Installations
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (0+30+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. dr.sc. Davor Petranović prof. struč. stud.
Lectures:2. dipl.ing.el. Vladimir Šimović
Laboratory exercises: Luka Lažeta
Laboratory exercises:dr.sc. Davor Petranović prof. struč. stud.
Laboratory exercises:dipl.ing.el. Vladimir Šimović
Course objectives students will be introduced to new technologies in electrical installations and modern design software
Learning outcomes:1.ability to design electric installations in different objects. Level:6,7
2.ability to design indoor and outdoor lighting in different objects. Level:6,7
3.ability to write technical description and specification ( bill of materials - BOM ) for electrical installations of different objects. Level:6,7
4.ability to write technical description and specification (BOM) for indoor and outdoor lighting of different objects. Level:6,7
5.ability to assess the existing electrical installation of different objects. Level:6,7
6.ability to assess the existing indooe and outdoor lighting of different objects. Level:6,7
7.ability to evaluate a computer-designed model of electrical installation . Level:6,7
8.ability to evaluate a computer-designed model of indoor and outdoor lighting . Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
Methods of carrying out laboratory exercisesLaboratory exercises, computer simulations
Group problem solving
Course content lectures1.Lighting introduction, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
2.Regulations, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
3.Lighting sources, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
4.Lamps, 2h, Learning outcomes:5
5.Indoor illumination, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
6.Outdoor illumination, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
7.Sport illumination, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
8.Kolokvij 1, 2h, Learning outcomes:2
9.Introduction to electric installations, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
10.Regulations, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
11.Power cables, 2h, Learning outcomes:3,7
12.Protection devices, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
13.Calculations, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
14.Metering, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
15.Kolokvij2, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
Course content laboratory1.Indoor lighting calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,6,8
2.Outdoor lighting calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,6,8
3.Road lighting calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,6,8
4.Indor sport lighting calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,6,8
5.Outdoor sport lighting calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,6,8
6.Indoor LED lighting calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,6,8
7.Outdoor LED lighting calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:2,4,6,8
8.Introduction to Ecodial, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,5,7
9.House electric installation calculation - 1, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,5,7
10.House electric installation calculation - 2, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,5,7
11.House electric installation calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,5,7
12.Shopping mall electric installation calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,5,7
13.School electric installation calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,5,7
14.Stadium electric installation calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,5,7
15.Sport dome electric installation calculation, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,5,7
Required materialsSpecial purpose computer laboratory
Overhead projector
Exam literatureElectric installation guide, Schneider electric
Tehnički propis za niskonaponske električne instalacije (NN 005/2010)
HRN EN 1838:2008 Primjena rasvjete -- Nužna rasvjeta
HRN EN 12193:2008 Svjetlo i rasvjeta -- Rasvjeta sportskih objekata
HRN EN 12464-1:2012 Svjetlo i rasvjeta -- Rasvjeta radnih mjesta -- 1. dio: Unutrašnji radni prostori
HRN EN 12464-2:2008 Svjetlo i rasvjeta -- Rasvjeta radnih mjesta -- 2. dio: Vanjski radni prostori
HRN EN 12665:2012 Svjetlo i rasvjeta -- Osnovni nazivi i kriteriji za specificiranje zahtjeva rasvjete
HRI CEN/TR 13201-1:2009 Cestovna rasvjeta -- 1. dio: Odabir razreda rasvjete
HRN EN 13201-2:2008 Cestovna rasvjeta -- 2. dio: Zahtijevana svojstva
HRN EN 13201-3:2008 Cestovna rasvjeta -- 3. dio: Proračun svojstava
HRN EN 13201-4:2008 Cestovna rasvjeta -- 4. dio: Metode mjerenja svojstava rasvjete
RELUX On-line manual
Ecodial On-line manual
Students obligations80 % of class attendance
Knowledge evaluation during semesterPaper tests #3#100#50$
Knowledge evaluation after semesterPaper exam#1#80#50$Verbal exam#1#20#50$
Student activities:
(Written exam)5
(Oral exam)1
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:22627;158352;
Proposal made byDavor Petranović,MSEE, 29.05.2013

Elective courses 0- ECTS)

DetailsTeachersCourseMode L+(A+L+S+C) (H)EctsCodeAvailable in Eng. language
+P:1. Tomislav Đuran , dipl. ing.
P:2. Stjepan Tvorić
A: Tomislav Đuran , dipl. ing.
A: Stjepan Tvorić
Electric energy conversions45+15 (15+0+0+0) (90)5146745YES
Code WEB/ISVU 30213/146745 ECTS 5 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Electric energy conversions
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
45+15 (15+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. Tomislav Đuran , dipl. ing.
Lectures:2. Stjepan Tvorić
Auditory exercises: Tomislav Đuran , dipl. ing.
Auditory exercises: Stjepan Tvorić
Course objectives students will acquire knowledge in the field of energy conversion and power converters
Learning outcomes:1.To classificate dc converters and rectifiers depending on source and load types. Level:6,7
2.To chose appropriate dc converter for specific purpose. Level:7
3.To chose appropriate rectifier for specific purpose. Level:7
4.To compare transformer models depending on transformer's function in electrical circuit. Level:6,7
5.To classificate electrical machines depending on their structure and purpose. Level:6,7
6.To confirm energy conservation law in transformers, power converters and electrical machines. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Questions and answers
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Discussion, brainstorming
Analysis of typical examples
Course content lectures1.Electrical component and network properties. Energy, power, effective and average value, time-invariant and time-varying components and networks., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,6
2.Electrical component and network properties. Linearity and nonlinearity, activity and passivity, electrical energy storage., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,6
3.Electrical component and network properties. Controllable and uncontrollable semiconductor switches. Commutation., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,6
4.First and second order electrical circuits. Zero-input and zero-state responses. Energy considerations., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,6
5.Periodical steady-state. Sinusoidal and nonsinusoidal steady-state. Three-phase system., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,3,6
6.Transformer. Ideal and real transformer., 3h, Learning outcomes:3,4,6
7.Transformer. Use of transformers in transmission and distribution of electrical energy. Power converters., 3h, Learning outcomes:3,4,6
8.Buck, boost and flyback DC converters., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,6
9.Four-quadrant DC converter. Rectifiers. Rectifiers with inductive and capacitive load., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,6
10.Rectifiers with inductive and capacitive load. ACDC converter inverter mode of operation. Voltage inverter., 3h, Learning outcomes:3,6
11.Electrical machines. DC machines., 3h, Learning outcomes:2,5,6
12.Synchronous machines., 3h, Learning outcomes:2,5,6
13.Asynchronous machines., 3h, Learning outcomes:2,5,6
14.Asynchronous machines., 3h, Learning outcomes:5,6
15.Asynchronous machines., 3h, Learning outcomes:5,6
Course content auditory1.Electrical component and network properties., 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,6
2.Commutation., 1h, Learning outcomes:2,3,6
3.First and second order electrical circuits., 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,6
4.Phasor calculus., 1h, Learning outcomes:6
5.Transformer. Ideal and real transformer., 1h, Learning outcomes:4,6
6.Buck, boost, flyback and four-quadrant DC converters., 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,6
7.Buck, boost, flyback and four-quadrant DC converters., 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,6
8.Rectifiers with inductive and capacitive load., 1h, Learning outcomes:3,6
9.Rectifiers with inductive and capacitive load., 1h, Learning outcomes:3,6
10.Voltage inverter., 1h, Learning outcomes:6
11.DC machines., 1h, Learning outcomes:2,5,6
12.Synchronous machines., 1h, Learning outcomes:2,5,6
13.Asynchronous machines., 1h, Learning outcomes:5,6
14.Asynchronous machines., 1h, Learning outcomes:5,6
15.Asynchronous machines., 1h, Learning outcomes:5,6
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Exam literatureI.Flegar, Elektronički energetski pretvarači, Kigen, Zagreb, 2010
V.Mikuličić, Z.Šimić, Energijske tehnologije FER, Zagreb 2011.
L.M. Piotrovskij, Električki strojevi, Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb, 1974.

T. Kelemen, Transformatori, Tehnička enciklopedija, knjiga 13, Leksikografski zavod "Miroslav Krleža", Zagreb, str. 148-168, 1997.
Students obligations80% of class attendance.
Knowledge evaluation during semesterKolokvij, numerički zadaci#3#75#0$Kolokvij, teorijska pitanja#3#25#0$
Knowledge evaluation after semesterWritten exam - 50%.
Oral exam - 50%.
Student activities:
(Written exam)5
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:95597;
Proposal made byŽeljko Stojanović
+P:2.dr. sc. Anđa Valent prof. struč. stud.
P:3.dr. sc. Reni Banov v. pred.
P:prof.dr.sc. Ljiljana Arambašić
A:prof.dr.sc. Ljiljana Arambašić
A:dr. sc. Reni Banov v. pred.
A:dr. sc. Anđa Valent prof. struč. stud.
Mathematics30+30 (30+0+0+0) (120)6146749NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30217/146749 ECTS 6 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Mathematics
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (30+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. Ivica Vuković
Lectures:2. dr. sc. Anđa Valent prof. struč. stud.
Lectures:3. dr. sc. Reni Banov v. pred.
Lectures:prof.dr.sc. Ljiljana Arambašić
Auditory exercises:prof.dr.sc. Ljiljana Arambašić
Auditory exercises:dr. sc. Reni Banov v. pred.
Auditory exercises:dr. sc. Anđa Valent prof. struč. stud.
Auditory exercises: Ivica Vuković
Course objectives Students should be qualified to use differential and integral calculus of several variables.
Learning outcomes:1.ability to write analytic expression for partial derivatives and differential of real analytic function of several variables. Level:7
2.ability to write the equation of the tangent plane to the surface at the given point of the surface. Level:7
3.ability to expand a real function of two real variables into Taylor and MacLaurin series. Level:7
4.ability to calculate and classify local extrema of a real function of two real variables. Level:7
5.ability to integrate real functions of several variables. Level:7
6.ability to apply polar coordinates to integral calculus. Level:7
7.ability to understand the implementation of integrals on calculating centre of mass, static moments and centre of gravity. Level:7
8.ability to understand methods of solving differential equations. Level:7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
The lectures are being presented in the classroom with detailed solving and analysis.
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesLaboratory exercises, computer simulations
Group problem solving
Computer simulations
The problems are being solved on the blackboard with detailed explanations.
Course content lectures1.Functions of several variables. Graphical representation. Curves and surfaces., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Continuity and limit. Partial derivatives. Schwartz theorem., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Tangent plane. Differential. Gradient., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2
4..Taylor mean value theorem. Taylor and Maclaurin series., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3
5.Local extrema of functions of several variables., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4
6.Conditional extrema. Lagrange multipiler method., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4
7.Double integrals. Notion and properties., 2h, Learning outcomes:5
8.Double integrals over curvilinear trapezoid., 2h, Learning outcomes:5
9.Double integrals in polar coordinates, 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
10.Triple integrals., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
11.Applications of multiple integrals. Calculatiog areas and volumes., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6,7
12.Applications of multiple integrals. Center of mass., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6,7
13.Homogenous systems of differential linear equations second order with constant coefficients., 2h, Learning outcomes:8
14.Nonhomogenous systems of differential linear equations with constant coefficients., 2h, Learning outcomes:8
15.Systems of linear differential equations. Numerical methods., 2h, Learning outcomes:8
Course content auditory1.Functions of several variables. Domains and graphs., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Partial derivatives. Schwarz theorem, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Tangent plane. Differential. Gradient., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2
4.Taylor mean value theorem. Taylor and Maclaurin series, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3
5.Local extrema of functions of several variables., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4
6.Conditional extrema. Lagrange multiplier method., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4
7.Double integrals. Notion and properties., 2h, Learning outcomes:5
8.Double integrals over curvilinear trapezoid., 2h, Learning outcomes:5
9.Double integrals in polar coordinates., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
10.Triple integrals., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
11.Applications of multiple integrals. Calculatiog areas and volumes., 2h, Learning outcomes:4,5,6
12.Applications of multiple integrals. Center of mass., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6,7
13.Homogenous systems of differential linear equations second order with constant coefficients, 2h, Learning outcomes:8
14.Method variation constants., 2h, Learning outcomes:8
15.Euler method and Runge-Kutta method., 2h, Learning outcomes:8
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
General purpose computer laboratory
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Exam literature1. I. Vuković, A. Valent: Zbirka riješenih primjera iz primijenjene matematike, Redak, 2015.
1. P. Javor, Matematička analiza 2, Element, Zagreb, 2000.
3. B. P. Demidovič: Zadaci i riješeni zadaci iz više matematike s primjenom na tehničke nauke, Tehnička knjiga, 1978.
Students obligations50% of class attendance of the total class number. In case of less attendance, submitted seminar paper.
Knowledge evaluation during semesterTwo 2 midterm exams

Knowledge evaluation after semesterWritten exam.
Oral exam optional.

Student activities:
(Constantly tested knowledge)4
(Written exam)2
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
Proposal made byIvica Vuković, Anđa Valent
+P:1. Goran Vujisić v. pred.
P:2.dr. sc. Tomislav Špoljarić d. i. e., prof. struč. stud.
L: Hrvoje Benić
L: Nina Šare pred.
L: Goran Vujisić v. pred.
K: Hrvoje Benić
K: Nina Šare pred.
K: Goran Vujisić v. pred.
Process Modelling and Simulation30+30 (0+15+0+15) (120)6146765NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30226/146765 ECTS 6 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Process Modelling and Simulation
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (0+15+0+15)
Teachers Lectures:1. Goran Vujisić v. pred.
Lectures:2. dr. sc. Tomislav Špoljarić d. i. e., prof. struč. stud.
Laboratory exercises: Hrvoje Benić
Laboratory exercises: Nina Šare pred.
Laboratory exercises: Goran Vujisić v. pred.
Construction exercises: Hrvoje Benić
Construction exercises: Nina Šare pred.
Construction exercises: Goran Vujisić v. pred.
Course objectives Students will acquire knowledge of the control and regulation properties of the process elements by modeling and simulating
Learning outcomes:1.ability to formulate/create a task for analysis. Level:6,7
2.ability to write a mathematical model of the process. Level:6,7
3.ability to create a Simulink model. Level:6,7
4.ability to choose a controller type . Level:7
5.ability to estimate the transient response of open-loop and closed-loop system. Level:7
6.ability to generalize conduct of electrical, mechanical, electromechanical and thermal processes and the process the fluid storage. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
The matter is presented by mathematical models, tables and diagrams using illustrative examples in practice.
Methods of carrying out laboratory exercisesLaboratory exercises on laboratory equipment
Laboratory exercises, computer simulations
Group problem solving
Computer simulations
Exercises are performed in PC laboratory by using Matlab/Simulink programs.
How construction exercises are heldLaboratory exercises, computer simulations
Discussion, brainstorming
Computer simulations
Course content lectures1.Introduction, 3h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Modeling methods., 3h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Setting up and making a model., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2
4.Simulation program package Matlab / Simulink., 3h, Learning outcomes:3
5.Simple and complex models., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3
6.Connecting different elements into a process model., 3h, Learning outcomes:3,5
7.Differential equation simulation and usage of a model to simulate differential equations., 3h, Learning outcomes:2,3,5
8.Numerical integrations, specific usage of different toolboxes., 3h, Learning outcomes:2,3,4
9.Multistage amplifiers, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,6
10.Exemples of process models., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
11.No class.
12.No class.
13.No class.
14.No class.
15.No class.
Course content laboratory1.No class.
2.No class.
3.No class.
4.Modelling of electrical system., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3
5.Modelling of mechanical system., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3
6.Modelling of electromechanical system., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
7.Modelling of thermal system., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
8.Modelling of fluid storage system. , 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3
9.Numerical integration procedure - properties and selection for specific use., 2h, Learning outcomes:2
10.Connection of PLC system and real-time process model in PC., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
11.No class.
12.No class.
13.No class.
14.No class.
15.No class.
Course content constructures1.No class.
2.No class.
3.No class.
4.No class.
5.No class.
6.No class.
7.No class.
8.No class.
9.No class.
10.No class.
11.Development of a mathematical model., 5h, Learning outcomes:1,2
12.Process and system parametar identification, 5h, Learning outcomes:2,3,4
13.Modeling and verification of mathematical Simulink model., 5h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6
14.No class.
15.No class.
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
General purpose computer laboratory
Special purpose computer laboratory
Overhead projector
Special equipment
Program package Matlab
Exam literature1. Ž. Ban,J. Matuško, I. Petrović: Primjena programskog sustava MATLAB, Graphis, Zagreb, 2010.
2. Ž. Ban: Simulacijski paketi u analizi i sintezi sustava automatskog upravljanja: FER-ZAPR
Zagreb, 1999.
3. N. Perić,I. Petrović: Automatizacija postrojenja i procesa, FER Zagreb, Zagreb, 2005.
4. D Hanselman, B. Littlefield: Mastering Matlab; Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1996.
5. *** Simulik User`s Guide the Matlab Works Inc, 1993.
Students obligationsAttendance at all laboratory exercises and development of construction task
Knowledge evaluation during semesterLabaratory exercise pass, all written reports.
Completed constuction task - oral exam.
Knowledge evaluation after semesterCompleted constuction task
Prezentation of construction task. Oral exam.
Student activities:
(Practical work)2
(Constantly tested knowledge)2
(Written exam)2
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:22617;159771;
Proposal made bySenior lecturer Mato Fruk, dipl. ing.
+P:1.mr.sc. Davor Gadže d. i. e., v. pred.
P:2.dr. sc. Tomislav Špoljarić d. i. e., prof. struč. stud.
P: Dorian Jelečki , mag.ing.el., pred.
K:mr.sc. Davor Gadže d. i. e., v. pred.
K: Dorian Jelečki , mag.ing.el., pred.
K: Mario Ličanin
K:dr. sc. Tomislav Špoljarić d. i. e., prof. struč. stud.
K: Branimir Vuletić-Komljen
Design and construction of power plants30+30 (0+0+0+30) (120)6146767NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30228/146767 ECTS 6 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Design and construction of power plants
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (0+0+0+30)
Teachers Lectures:1. mr.sc. Davor Gadže d. i. e., v. pred.
Lectures:2. dr. sc. Tomislav Špoljarić d. i. e., prof. struč. stud.
Lectures: Dorian Jelečki , mag.ing.el., pred.
Construction exercises:mr.sc. Davor Gadže d. i. e., v. pred.
Construction exercises: Dorian Jelečki , mag.ing.el., pred.
Construction exercises: Mario Ličanin
Construction exercises:dr. sc. Tomislav Špoljarić d. i. e., prof. struč. stud.
Construction exercises: Branimir Vuletić Komljen
Course objectives students will acquire knowledge of establishing, designing and constructing electric power plant
Learning outcomes:1.ability to determine the energy requirements of electric power plant. Level:7
2.ability to select the elements of protection against overload inelectric power plant. Level:7
3.ability to select the elements of protection against indirect contact in electric power plant. Level:7
4.ability to design a scheme of the electric power plant control. Level:6,7
5.ability to write project documentation of electric power plant. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Questions and answers
Seminar, students presentation and discussion
Course content lectures1.Industrial plant - material, energy and information flow., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Engineering approach to analysis and synthesis of the plant., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Laws, regulations and standards in design (IEC, ISO, HRN)., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
4.Stages of plant construction: project, installation, commissioning and operating., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
5.Tehnička dokumentacija za pojedine faze., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
6.Energy requirements, power supply and quality., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
7.Reactive power control. High harmonic sources and filtering., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
8.Protection of staff and equipment in the plant., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,5
9.Protection against voltage shock., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,5
10.Earthing and potential equalizing., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,5
11.Protection against short circuits., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5
12.Protection against overload., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5
13.Safety working conditions: mechanical protection., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
14.Safety working conditions: cooling., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
15.Plant testing and commissioning , 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
Course content constructures1.no classes, 2h
2.no classes, 2h
3.no classes, 2h
4.no classes, 2h
5.no classes, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,4,5
6.Organization of project documentation, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,4,5
7.Organization of project documentation, 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,4,5
8.forms, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
9.the installation site, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
10.marking, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
11.symbols, 3h, Learning outcomes:2,3,4,5
12.wires, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
13.cables, 3h, Learning outcomes:2,3,4,5
14.layout of equipment, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
15.reporting, 3h, Learning outcomes:4,5
Required materialsGeneral purpose computer laboratory
Special equipment
Exam literature1. A. D. Wilkoks: Engineering design for Electrical Engineers, Prentice Hall. 1990.
2 Electrical installation guide – According to IEC Standards 2010; Schneider Electric SAS, Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France.
2. Westermannov elektrotehnički priručnik; Školska knjiga, Zagreb 1991.
3 Tehnički priručnik; Končar elektroindustrija dd Zagreb, 1991.
4. EPLAN, CADdy, WsCAD – upute za korištenje
Students obligationsclasses pressence
Knowledge evaluation during semesterpressence 10
seminar 40
oral exam 50
Knowledge evaluation after semesterseminar 40
oral exam 60
Student activities:
(Constantly tested knowledge)6
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:22614;
Proposal made byMr. sc. Davor Gadže, viši predavač

Elective courses 0- ECTS)

DetailsTeachersCourseMode L+(A+L+S+C) (H)EctsCodeAvailable in Eng. language
+P:1. Tomislav Đuran , dipl. ing.
P:2. Stjepan Tvorić
A: Tomislav Đuran , dipl. ing.
A: Stjepan Tvorić
Electric energy conversions45+15 (15+0+0+0) (90)5146745YES
Code WEB/ISVU 30213/146745 ECTS 5 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Electric energy conversions
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
45+15 (15+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. Tomislav Đuran , dipl. ing.
Lectures:2. Stjepan Tvorić
Auditory exercises: Tomislav Đuran , dipl. ing.
Auditory exercises: Stjepan Tvorić
Course objectives students will acquire knowledge in the field of energy conversion and power converters
Learning outcomes:1.To classificate dc converters and rectifiers depending on source and load types. Level:6,7
2.To chose appropriate dc converter for specific purpose. Level:7
3.To chose appropriate rectifier for specific purpose. Level:7
4.To compare transformer models depending on transformer's function in electrical circuit. Level:6,7
5.To classificate electrical machines depending on their structure and purpose. Level:6,7
6.To confirm energy conservation law in transformers, power converters and electrical machines. Level:6,7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Questions and answers
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
Discussion, brainstorming
Analysis of typical examples
Course content lectures1.Electrical component and network properties. Energy, power, effective and average value, time-invariant and time-varying components and networks., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,6
2.Electrical component and network properties. Linearity and nonlinearity, activity and passivity, electrical energy storage., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,6
3.Electrical component and network properties. Controllable and uncontrollable semiconductor switches. Commutation., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,6
4.First and second order electrical circuits. Zero-input and zero-state responses. Energy considerations., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,6
5.Periodical steady-state. Sinusoidal and nonsinusoidal steady-state. Three-phase system., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,3,6
6.Transformer. Ideal and real transformer., 3h, Learning outcomes:3,4,6
7.Transformer. Use of transformers in transmission and distribution of electrical energy. Power converters., 3h, Learning outcomes:3,4,6
8.Buck, boost and flyback DC converters., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,6
9.Four-quadrant DC converter. Rectifiers. Rectifiers with inductive and capacitive load., 3h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,6
10.Rectifiers with inductive and capacitive load. ACDC converter inverter mode of operation. Voltage inverter., 3h, Learning outcomes:3,6
11.Electrical machines. DC machines., 3h, Learning outcomes:2,5,6
12.Synchronous machines., 3h, Learning outcomes:2,5,6
13.Asynchronous machines., 3h, Learning outcomes:2,5,6
14.Asynchronous machines., 3h, Learning outcomes:5,6
15.Asynchronous machines., 3h, Learning outcomes:5,6
Course content auditory1.Electrical component and network properties., 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,6
2.Commutation., 1h, Learning outcomes:2,3,6
3.First and second order electrical circuits., 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,6
4.Phasor calculus., 1h, Learning outcomes:6
5.Transformer. Ideal and real transformer., 1h, Learning outcomes:4,6
6.Buck, boost, flyback and four-quadrant DC converters., 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,6
7.Buck, boost, flyback and four-quadrant DC converters., 1h, Learning outcomes:1,2,6
8.Rectifiers with inductive and capacitive load., 1h, Learning outcomes:3,6
9.Rectifiers with inductive and capacitive load., 1h, Learning outcomes:3,6
10.Voltage inverter., 1h, Learning outcomes:6
11.DC machines., 1h, Learning outcomes:2,5,6
12.Synchronous machines., 1h, Learning outcomes:2,5,6
13.Asynchronous machines., 1h, Learning outcomes:5,6
14.Asynchronous machines., 1h, Learning outcomes:5,6
15.Asynchronous machines., 1h, Learning outcomes:5,6
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Exam literatureI.Flegar, Elektronički energetski pretvarači, Kigen, Zagreb, 2010
V.Mikuličić, Z.Šimić, Energijske tehnologije FER, Zagreb 2011.
L.M. Piotrovskij, Električki strojevi, Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb, 1974.

T. Kelemen, Transformatori, Tehnička enciklopedija, knjiga 13, Leksikografski zavod "Miroslav Krleža", Zagreb, str. 148-168, 1997.
Students obligations80% of class attendance.
Knowledge evaluation during semesterKolokvij, numerički zadaci#3#75#0$Kolokvij, teorijska pitanja#3#25#0$
Knowledge evaluation after semesterWritten exam - 50%.
Oral exam - 50%.
Student activities:
(Written exam)5
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:95597;
Proposal made byŽeljko Stojanović
+P:2.dr. sc. Anđa Valent prof. struč. stud.
P:3.dr. sc. Reni Banov v. pred.
P:prof.dr.sc. Ljiljana Arambašić
A:prof.dr.sc. Ljiljana Arambašić
A:dr. sc. Reni Banov v. pred.
A:dr. sc. Anđa Valent prof. struč. stud.
Mathematics30+30 (30+0+0+0) (120)6146749NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30217/146749 ECTS 6 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Mathematics
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (30+0+0+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. Ivica Vuković
Lectures:2. dr. sc. Anđa Valent prof. struč. stud.
Lectures:3. dr. sc. Reni Banov v. pred.
Lectures:prof.dr.sc. Ljiljana Arambašić
Auditory exercises:prof.dr.sc. Ljiljana Arambašić
Auditory exercises:dr. sc. Reni Banov v. pred.
Auditory exercises:dr. sc. Anđa Valent prof. struč. stud.
Auditory exercises: Ivica Vuković
Course objectives Students should be qualified to use differential and integral calculus of several variables.
Learning outcomes:1.ability to write analytic expression for partial derivatives and differential of real analytic function of several variables. Level:7
2.ability to write the equation of the tangent plane to the surface at the given point of the surface. Level:7
3.ability to expand a real function of two real variables into Taylor and MacLaurin series. Level:7
4.ability to calculate and classify local extrema of a real function of two real variables. Level:7
5.ability to integrate real functions of several variables. Level:7
6.ability to apply polar coordinates to integral calculus. Level:7
7.ability to understand the implementation of integrals on calculating centre of mass, static moments and centre of gravity. Level:7
8.ability to understand methods of solving differential equations. Level:7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Case studies
The lectures are being presented in the classroom with detailed solving and analysis.
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesLaboratory exercises, computer simulations
Group problem solving
Computer simulations
The problems are being solved on the blackboard with detailed explanations.
Course content lectures1.Functions of several variables. Graphical representation. Curves and surfaces., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Continuity and limit. Partial derivatives. Schwartz theorem., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Tangent plane. Differential. Gradient., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2
4..Taylor mean value theorem. Taylor and Maclaurin series., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3
5.Local extrema of functions of several variables., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4
6.Conditional extrema. Lagrange multipiler method., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4
7.Double integrals. Notion and properties., 2h, Learning outcomes:5
8.Double integrals over curvilinear trapezoid., 2h, Learning outcomes:5
9.Double integrals in polar coordinates, 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
10.Triple integrals., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
11.Applications of multiple integrals. Calculatiog areas and volumes., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6,7
12.Applications of multiple integrals. Center of mass., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6,7
13.Homogenous systems of differential linear equations second order with constant coefficients., 2h, Learning outcomes:8
14.Nonhomogenous systems of differential linear equations with constant coefficients., 2h, Learning outcomes:8
15.Systems of linear differential equations. Numerical methods., 2h, Learning outcomes:8
Course content auditory1.Functions of several variables. Domains and graphs., 2h, Learning outcomes:1
2.Partial derivatives. Schwarz theorem, 2h, Learning outcomes:1
3.Tangent plane. Differential. Gradient., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2
4.Taylor mean value theorem. Taylor and Maclaurin series, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3
5.Local extrema of functions of several variables., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4
6.Conditional extrema. Lagrange multiplier method., 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4
7.Double integrals. Notion and properties., 2h, Learning outcomes:5
8.Double integrals over curvilinear trapezoid., 2h, Learning outcomes:5
9.Double integrals in polar coordinates., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
10.Triple integrals., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
11.Applications of multiple integrals. Calculatiog areas and volumes., 2h, Learning outcomes:4,5,6
12.Applications of multiple integrals. Center of mass., 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6,7
13.Homogenous systems of differential linear equations second order with constant coefficients, 2h, Learning outcomes:8
14.Method variation constants., 2h, Learning outcomes:8
15.Euler method and Runge-Kutta method., 2h, Learning outcomes:8
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
General purpose computer laboratory
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Exam literature1. I. Vuković, A. Valent: Zbirka riješenih primjera iz primijenjene matematike, Redak, 2015.
1. P. Javor, Matematička analiza 2, Element, Zagreb, 2000.
3. B. P. Demidovič: Zadaci i riješeni zadaci iz više matematike s primjenom na tehničke nauke, Tehnička knjiga, 1978.
Students obligations50% of class attendance of the total class number. In case of less attendance, submitted seminar paper.
Knowledge evaluation during semesterTwo 2 midterm exams

Knowledge evaluation after semesterWritten exam.
Oral exam optional.

Student activities:
(Constantly tested knowledge)4
(Written exam)2
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
Proposal made byIvica Vuković, Anđa Valent
+P:1.dr.sc Sonja Zentner Pilinsky prof.v.š.
P:dr.sc. Winton Afrić prof.v. š.
A: Antonio Milde pred.
A:dr.sc Sonja Zentner Pilinsky prof.v.š.
L: Ante Golić
L: Petar Jandrlić
L: Antonio Milde pred.
L: Davor Predavec
L:dr.sc Sonja Zentner Pilinsky prof.v.š.
S: Antonio Milde pred.
S:dr.sc Sonja Zentner Pilinsky prof.v.š.
Mobile Communication Networks30+30 (6+12+12+0) (120)6228472NO
Code WEB/ISVU 30942/228472 ECTS 6 Academic year 2024/2025
Name Mobile Communication Networks
Status 1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Izvanredni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course1st semester - Electrical Engineering (Redovni diplomski elektrotehnika) - elective course
Teaching mode Lectures + exercises (auditory + laboratory + seminar + metodology + construction)
work at home
30+30 (6+12+12+0)
Teachers Lectures:1. dr.sc Sonja Zentner Pilinsky prof.v.š.
Lectures:dr.sc. Winton Afrić prof.v. š.
Auditory exercises: Antonio Milde pred.
Auditory exercises:dr.sc Sonja Zentner Pilinsky prof.v.š.
Laboratory exercises: Ante Golić
Laboratory exercises: Petar Jandrlić
Laboratory exercises: Antonio Milde pred.
Laboratory exercises: Davor Predavec
Laboratory exercises:dr.sc Sonja Zentner Pilinsky prof.v.š.
Seminar exercises: Antonio Milde pred.
Seminar exercises:dr.sc Sonja Zentner Pilinsky prof.v.š.
Course objectives students will be qualified to solve problems in installation and changing of mobile network functions as well as interconnection of different networks.
Learning outcomes:1.ability to predict possible signal disorders in networks due to transmitter locations of users. Level:7
2.ability to evaluate and grade possible transmitter locations. Level:6,7
3.ability to propose new transmitter locations for transmitters with poor performance. Level:6,7
4.ability to plan a complete network on the basis of given data. Level:6,7
5.bility to select base and mobile stations with satisfactory characteristics as well as the other equipment. Level:7
6.ability to integrate various networks into the integral a whole to meet the users' requirements. Level:6,7
7.ability to find optimal solutions based on the required characteristics and price of the entire equipment. Level:6,7
8.ability to evaluate spectra efficiency of different systems, different system compatibility and possibility of future upgrade. Level:7
Methods of carrying out lecturesEx cathedra teaching
Guest lecturer
Questions and answers
The subject matter is explained by using drawings, tables and diagrams to make the material easier to understand. The teacher tests the students continuously if they participate in the lectures. Beside the blackboard it is necessary to have a LCD projector.
Methods of carrying out auditory exercisesGroup problem solving
The problems of each theme are solved on the blackboard with the assistance of
Methods of carrying out laboratory exercisesLaboratory exercises on laboratory equipment
Methods of carrying out seminarsOther
students work on their semianrs and present them in a group + discussion about seminar theme
Course content lectures1.introduction, repetition of basic GSM principles, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,5
2.security in GSM systems, 2h, Learning outcomes:4,5,6
3.GPRS systems, 2h, Learning outcomes:4,5,6
4.EDGE systems, 2h, Learning outcomes:4,5,6
5.UMTS system architecture, network planning, 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
6.UMTS network planning, 2h, Learning outcomes:4,5,6
7.HSDPA technology, 2h, Learning outcomes:6,7,8
8.HSUPA technologies, 2h, Learning outcomes:6,7,8
9.Mobile forensics, 2h, Learning outcomes:6,8
10.Introduction to LTE and LTE demands, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,4,5
11.WiMAX vs. LTE, 2h, Learning outcomes:6,7,8
12.LTE system in Croatia and LTE measurements - guest-lecturer from operator, 2h, Learning outcomes:6,7,8
13.OFDMA technologies, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,7
14.MIMO technologies, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,7
15.basic principles of 5G networks, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,3,4,7
Course content auditory1.Transmit quality estimation in the presence of cochannel interference , 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
2.Transmit quality estimation in the presence of cochannel interference, Methods of code generation for different purposes in mobile network , 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
3.Methods of code generation for different purposes in mobile network , 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4
4.First semiexam, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3
5.possibilities of tracing user who uses more SIM cards and more MSs, 2h, Learning outcomes:5,6
6.-, 2h
7.-, 2h
8.-, 2h
9.-, 2h
10.-, 2h
11.-, 2h
12.-, 2h
13.-, 2h
14.-, 2h
15.-, 2h
Course content laboratory1.-, 2h
2.-, 2h
3.-, 2h
4.-, 2h
5.-, 2h
6.-, 2h
7.II semiexam, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7
8.3G measurements and measurements analysis in computer programme Nemo Outdoor , 2h, Learning outcomes:7
9.4G measurements and measurements analysis in computer programme Nemo Outdoor , 2h, Learning outcomes:7
10.measurements conversion from Nemo Outdoor to Excall and measurements analysis, 2h, Learning outcomes:7
11.III semiexam, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7
12.-, 2h
13.-, 2h
14.-, 2h
15.-, 2h
Course content seminars1.-, 2h
2.-, 2h
3.-, 2h
4.-, 2h
5.-, 2h
6.seminar themes preparation , 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,8
7.-, 2h
8.-, 2h
9.-, 2h
10.-, 2h
11.-, 2h
12.students present their seminar papers, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
13.students present their seminar papers, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
14.students present their seminar papers, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
15.students present their seminar papers, 2h, Learning outcomes:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Required materialsBasic: classroom, blackboard, chalk...
Whiteboard with markers
Overhead projector
Exam literature1.E. Zentner, Antene i radiosustavi,Graphis, Zagreb, 2001.
2. Lehpamer H.: Transmission Systems Design Handbook for Wireless Networks, Artech House, Boston-London,2002.
3. W.C.Y.Lee: Mobile Communications Design Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill, 1993.

Students obligationsminimum of 20 class attendance (lecture and exercises), submitted and presented seminar paper and performed laboratory exercises
Knowledge evaluation during semesterRedovitost pohađanja#4#10#50$Mini-test#2#30#50$Kolokvij, numerički zadaci#3#45#50$Kolokvij, teorijska pitanja#3#15#50$
Knowledge evaluation after semester•The written part of the exam (in case that both preliminary are not passed) and the oral part of the exam (final mark is arithmetic middle of 2 components in case that they are all positive)
RemarkThis course can be used for final thesis theme
ISVU equivalents:22631;146783;
Proposal made byprofessor Sonja Zentner Pilinsky, Ph.D.